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"Your blood?" I nodded and her eyes widened. "You mean you are AB-?"

"Yes I am."

"You're a match!" She sat up. "Paige you're a match!" I nodded.

"Did the doctor say why our blood is rare because honestly I didn't know I had special blood until now."

"Baby that doesn't matter. What matters is that you are a match." She stopped smiling. "But wait, I was so excited I forgot to ask if you are willing to donate." I laughed.

"Hailey how will I even sleep peacefully knowing that an innocent child is dying and I have the blood to save her yet I won't?" She smiled. "So yes. I will give her my blood." She gave me a hug immediately.

"Thank you so much." She said. "You have no idea how grateful Kiara and the rest of the family will be." I smiled.

"Then call them and give them the good news." She nodded and quickly took her phone.

"Karen.....I know I'm sorry I disturbed you from your sleep but I have good news......yes I said good news......it's about Allison's blood donor....yes I found a donor.....I am serious Karen. I swear this is not a joke......please you don't have to thank me. You can thank Paige yourself when you see her in the morning.......yes...yes.....I know.....yes please let her parents know so they can at least be happy their daughter is going to be fine.....okay goodnight." She hung up and gave me another hug. "She is so happy."

"Well I'm glad the nightmare is about to be over." I said and she nodded pulling back.

"But baby are you really sure you're AB-?" I giggled.

"Hailey I wouldn't have told you to call Karen if I wasn't sure." I sighed. "I have known since college. Part the application process was that one is requested to submit a full medical checkup so I had to get checked if everything was okay with me so that the school can know if I have any sickness they should be aware of. So as they took my blood the nurse was 'like oh you're AB-' and I asked what that is and she told me that was my blood group so I've known since then." She nodded in understanding. "I finally get why she was surprised I'm AB-."

"I understand." She pushed me down gentle to lie down again and she laid on top of me. "You know you are really heavenly sent Paige. You don't mind helping anyone even if you had issues with that person and I wamt you to know I am the happiest woman on earth to have someone like you to call mine." I giggled.

"Thank you baby, it's just that what happened with Kiara is in the past now and her daughter is innocent so she doesn't deserve to die because of her mother's mistake." I said and she nodded.

"I know."

Kiara's POV

"Can you please stop saying that? It's not your fault." Dominic said.

"I know it is." I wept. "I am paying for my sins. God is punishing me by putting my baby in the hospital for what I did to Hailey."

"Babe it's not your fault. No one is punishing you for anything. Our little Allison will be fine." He said.

"Dom I don't want to lose my baby." I cried in his arms. "Please do something." She held me tighter.

"Trust me baby our babygirl will come back to us soon. She's strong like her mother." He said confidently.

"I just want her back and fine." He nodded.

"Me too baby." He said. A phone rang. "That's mine I'll get it." He took his phone from his nightstand. "It's your mother." I looked at him surprised.

"My mother?" He nodded and then answered.

"Mrs Anders."

"Put her on speaker." I said and he did that.

"Oh Kiara is still up as well?" Mom asked.

"Yes mom. Is there something wrong? Is my baby still alive?" I asked quickly.

"Honey calm down. I haven't called the hospital to check yet but that's not why I called." She took a deep breath.

"Mrs Anders what is wrong?" Dom asked.

"Mom please talk."

"You two should relax now Hailey found a donor." I gasped shooting up from the bed.

"What?" Dom asked.

"She found someone with the same blood type?" I asked my eyes tearing again.

"Yes honey she did." I held onto my husband in relief, happiness and even excitement. My nightmare was finally over. My baby was going to be fine afterall. Thank God.

"Mrs Anders please tell Hailey how grateful we are for what she has done. I was even thinking of advertising on TV that we need a donor and I was going to pay whoever was willing to help us save our daughter." Dom told mom.

This was actually the first time I was hearing this. I wasn't surprised though since he loved his children so much and I knew he could do anything for them in this world.

"You don't have to to do that anymore son. Our prayers have been answered. We have a donor that's ready to help my grandchild." I wiped my wet eyes.

"Thank you so much mom. I feel so stupid that at some point I hated Hailey and today she is saving my daughter's life. I can't stop thinking that what if you didn't intervene and make me see reason? What if we still had bad blood? My daughter would have died because of my selfishness." Tears streamed faster from my eyes.

"Come here." Dom pulled me to him. "You made a mistake and that's normal but don't punish yourself for it especially when you guys resolved your issues. Okay?" I nodded.

"Your husband is right honey. You should stop beating yourself up about it. Hailey and her girlfriend don't have anything against you now hence why she even agreed to donate for Allison." I frowned. Her girlfriend?

"Wait mom did you say her girlfriend?" I asked.

"Yes. Paige is the match Hailey found and she said she was going to donate." I gasped. My mind instantly went back to the day I finally met Paige in Hailey's office the day I went to drop the court order. I talked to her so rudely I felt so ashamed of my actions.

"Oh my God." I covered my face in embarrassment. "I am so ashamed of myself."


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