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"Good morning." I looked up from my phone to see a familiar face. I smiled softly. "It's nice to see you back here with us again Mrs Hall." Christine the chief maid said. She was more like a second mom to Logan. A very humble woman.

"What happened to you calling me Kim?" I giggled.

"If you came back to this house even after the way you left then I am convinced you and Mr Hall are fixing things." She said with a smile.

"You know everything about Logan and I Christine. You know I only married Logan to pay off my father's debt, that's why we hid our marriage in the first place because we knew it wouldn't last so tell me, what good can ever come out of that?" She laughed.

"Sweety every love story is different. They all start somewhere." I chuckled.

"Love? Oh please, we cannot even stand each other." I said walking majestically with her to the poolside.

"Kimberly I have known Logan since he was a little boy. I know when he likes a woman and trust me he likes you." I laughed again.

"Please stop with the jokes Christine. How can he like someone who always troubles him?" I asked. Immediately I remembered that he said that is exactly what he likes the most. Could he really like me?

"Why do you think he takes all of that trouble?" I shrugged.

"Because he fears he might lose the company if we divorce?" She chuckled.

"The will said he couldn't take over without a wife not that he couldn't run the company without a wife." She pointed out.

"Then I don't know. All I know is, after two months I'll be free from Logan and maybe I can start my life over again somewhere far from here." I said thinking about Paige. Maybe being away from her would do me some good. I had to forget about her. Our chapter was closed a long time ago and I had finally accepted that now.

"Why after two months?" She asked.

"He asked for two months to prove he can be a better person." She smiled again.

"See, he's trying." I rolled my eyes.

"Christine I don't mean to burst your bubble but this marriage is toxic. I don't think anything is going to change after two months. It might even be worse since he asked me to move back in and you know how it gets when we're in the same house." She sighed.

"Kimberly I think you should try to at least give this a real try. If not for anything but for your conscience."

"My conscience?"

"Yes. You won't have any regets if you know you tried but it still failed." She said touching my hand. I knew she was right but I still saw myself as a prisoner whenever I thought of Logan. "And besides it's only for two months." She added and I let out a sigh.

"I don't know Christine but I'll think about it." I said. "I promise."

"Okay." She gave me a hug. "I have to go back to work now." I nodded and she walked away.

Hailey's POV

"Hailey!" I jumped startled by Brooke. "Are you okay?" I nodded.

"I'm fine." I said and looked back at the food. My head was pounding because of the hangover and eating was the last thing on my mind. Last night I ended drinking myself to sleep in an attempt to watch a movie.

"Are you sure?" I nodded. "I haven't seen Paige in almost a week is everything okay?" I sighed.

"We're fine Brooke she's just busy." I lied playing with my food again.

"Okay something is up I can tell. What is going on?" She asked.

"I take it you haven't seen the pictures of her with a woman having lunch." I said.

"Well I have nosy colleagues so I saw that." She answered calmly and I gave her a puzzled look. "What?" She asked.

"You're calm about that?" I asked confused.

"What's there to be upset about?" She asked. "They were not kissing or having sex were they?" I rolled my eyes. I hated how her question made me feel like I was overreacting.

"She said she doesn't know her but the pictures say something else so I don't know what to believe anymore."

"Hailey don't start with your trust issues. No." I rolled my eyes again. "What do you mean the pictures say something else? If she said she doesn't know her then she doesn't. Have you forgotten we're talking about Paige here? She would never do that to you."

"I don't know what to think Brooke." I sighed pushing the food away.

"My darling look at me." I did. "You trust me right?" I nodded. "You know I would never deceive you right?" I nodded again. "Then please stop doubting Paige and reconcile with her. She loves you. That is what the people taking these pictures want. They want to come between you two and you are allowing them. Please don't ruin a good thing because of other people that don't even matter. Okay?"

Her words really sunk into my mind. I thought about what she said really hard. I tried to put myself in Paige's shoes. In the picture she was probably telling the other woman to get lost but in a nice way not knowing it would backfire. This was one of the reasons you'd never find me smiling at just anyone I don't know because you never know who's looking or taking a picture to try and lie about you.

I felt stupid that I let my jealousy get the best of me. I should've known better.

"I feel like a horrible girlfriend. I can't believe I was so mad over nothing." Brooke sighed and took my hand.

"The only thing that matters now is talking to Paige." She said and I nodded.

Paige's POV

Unlike my last apartment this one had an actual door where people could actually knock and some people don't know how to knock instead they bang. Sometimes I got startled by that. Like today. Although the person who was knocking wasn't loud I just got startled since I wasn't expecting anyone this evening.  

I dragged my cold body from the couch to open the door. I was catching up on my favourite shows since Jason had gone out with his girlfriend. I opened the door to see Hailey. Even with huge sunglasses and a hoodie with the hat on I could still see her. I looked at her like I hadn't laid my eyes on her in years. Her warm eyes looked back at me and my heart skipped a beat and my stomach did flips.

I stood by the doorway like an idiot that hadn't seen a beautiful woman before. I had really missed her presence. Her scent. I missed having her in my arms. Her soft kisses and most of all the way she laughs. The was a good melody to her laughter.

I opened the door wider for her to come in and she did while I closed the door.


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