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Paige's POV

"I told you, you need the car Jase." He sighed and sat down. It was later in the evening after the busy yet successful day and thank goodness I wasn't working tomorrow because I was exhausted.

"I still can't believe we're moving to Tribeca. Damn these rich people ain't bad after all." I chuckled shaking my head.

"I thought the same thing when they told me about the house." He chuckled as well.

"It's been only a month we moved in here and now we have to move again. I was beginning to love it here you know. Everything was so close to me and I had made new friends." I rolled my eyes.

"It's not like we're moving to LA Jase. We'll just be a few minutes away." I said and he nodded.

"You're right." He said. "Okay since we're going to be a little further from my school now I will accept the car." He smiled.

"Really?" He nodded. "Great. I'll call someone and make an appointment okay? You will go by yourself and pick whichever car you like." 

"Okay." He said. "Thank you Paige."

"You're welcome." I said. "Now I'm hungry, what do you want me to order?"

Hailey's POV

I was patiently waiting for my brother and his family in the living room while watching my favourite shows with a blanket to keep me warm. The twins were already fast asleep since today we had gone out to the zoo and other interesting places kids love. They were exhausted from all the running around.

"Hailey." I turned my head to Charlotte.

"Yeah?" She sighed and came to sit down.

"It's almost midnight, I think you should retire to bed." I giggled.

"Charlotte this is my brother we're talking about. I have to wait up for him." I said.

"I know but I don't think this couch is comfortable enough for you." She said.

"You're worried over nothing." She let out another sigh. "Relax Charlotte they will be here soon. Bobby told me about ten minutes ago that the jet was about to land so they'll be here soon." I said. As much as I hated making him drive in the night, he was the only one I trusted the most.

"Thank God they arrived safely." I nodded with a smile. "I'll wait with you then." I looked at her surprised.

"Are you sure?" She nodded. "Well that's okay." I said turning back to the screen. We watched together in silence as we waited. Midnight passed and they were still not at home but I wasn't worried because the airport was almost an hour away from my house. A few more minutes later and we heard a car pull up. "They're here." I quickly ran to the door and out to them.

Bobby went out and around to open the door of the limo. My brother first came out looking tall like our father. Our eyes met and he smiled. I ran to him and jumped on him in a hug.

"You're here." I said in his shoulders.

"God, you are so heavy." I giggled jumping down and hitting his arm. "I'm joking come on." I rolled my eyes and gave Annette a hug as well.

"It's good to see you Hailey." She said in her French accent.

"It's good to see you too Annette." Charlotte came with some of the staff and they started taking their bags inside. Louis and Coralie sood next their mother after getting out of the car. I opened my arms and they rushed to me with smiles. I hugged the first two teenagers my brother brought to this world. "Where is Avril?" I asked.

"She's already sleeping." Annette said.

"Charlotte will take her to her room." I said and then instructed her to do so. "We should go in, it's cold out here." I said and they nodded. We rushed in immediately.

"Wow." Louis said softly when he saw a painting I recently finished and hung on my wall. "Perfection." His father told me he was an artist like me so I wasn't surprised.

"Thank you honey." I said with a smile when we sat down.

"Can we please look around aunt Hailey? I am eager to see your other works. I noticed a lot of things have changed." He said.

"Honey you need to freshen up and go to bed. It's late." Annette said and he looked sad.

"Annette they can take a few minutes to look around and then go to bed. Please." She sighed before nodding.

"Fine." She turned to her children. "Vous avez cinq minutes." They immediately nodded in smiles.

"Merci maman." They ran off and disappeared to the other side.

"They are so cute." I said.

"Just like their father." Nathan said.

"Actually they look nothing like you." I joked and he glared at me. Annette and I laughed at him.

"I can see you don't love your brother anymore." I laughed again.

"You are such a big baby Nathan." I said chuckling. We spent almost an hour catching up and having a good time before we all parted to our rooms. It was already 1am when we headed upstairs. I was so sleepy and they also needed to rest after the long flight.

Morning came and I decided to skip work. I woke up and took a shower before heading downstairs. The table was already set but I noticed it wasn't as full as always but it had croissants. "Ooh" I licked my lips. I went to the kitchen and I found Annette wearing an apron cooking.

"Oh, good morning Hailey." She greeted with a smile.

"Good morning Annette, what are you doing?" I asked looking at her confused.

"Making us breakfast of course." She said.

"Okay, I can see that but why?" She gave me a puzzled look.

"I'm used to it." She answered. I looked at my workers waiting around like they had nothing to do. I looked at my chef with a questioning look.

"She instructed us not to touch anything except for what she has told us to touch and so far it's already prepared food that she needs us to put on the table." He said and I took a deep breath.

"I can handle it." Annette said.

"Annette they get paid to prepare us breakfast, you honestly don't need to make breakfast. Harry is the best chef." I said. "He can make anything you want to have." I added.

"I know but I wanted to make these myself. Don't worry you'll love them." She smiled. "I'll be done in twenty minutes." I shrugged.

"Fine but can you at least let them help." She shrugged.

"Okay." She said and they followed her instructions.

"What are you even making now?" I asked out curiosity.

"Okay these are zwiebeck toasts." I nodded. "The croissants are done and the brioche will be ready soon." She explained.

"Okay what's a brioche?" She giggled.

"It's just a sweet French yeast bun." I nodded again. "It's just chewier than a regular bun."

"So it's just a chewy bun?" She chuckled but then nodded.

"You should learn French Hailey. Saying a chewy bun sounds odd." I giggled. The way she pronounced my name was cute and funny.

"I will if you will master the American accent as well so you can be able to pronounce Hailey right." She laughed again.

"Deal." I smiled and then watched her continue making breakfast.


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