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Paige's POV

"I thought you wouldn't come." Hailey said after giving me a kiss.

"Amy wouldn't let me go, I'm sorry." I said walking to the living room where everyone was. After spending the day with my own family, I decided to spend the evening with Hailey's family and the Anders. They were all at her house. We walked in and I grabbed a drink by the table. I made sure not to be too late and end up missing dinner.

"Paige!" Cammy came running in her black dress. I giggled and picked her up.

"Hey princess." I kissed her cheek.

"Gray and I got you a present." She smiled.

"You guys are the best." I kissed her again. "Where is he?" I asked her looking around. To my surprise there was no child in sight.

"I'll go and call him." I nodded and then put her down. She ran towards the game room. I went ahead and greeted everyone in the room. That must be where the other kids were.

"You look really beautiful tonight Paige." Kiara said making me smile.

"Thank you Kiara." She smiled as well.

"You're welcome." She said. I looked at where Hailey was and she was talking to her brother and they seemed to be discussing something very important. Hailey seemed nervous and her brother was trying to calm her down. I wondered what happened. She turned her head to me and gave me a sheepish smile before looking back to Nathan.

"Paige." Gray's voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked down at him and smiled. I picked him up.

"Hey buddy." I kissed his cheek and he giggled.

"Why didn't you come in the morning to open your present?" I giggled.

"I'm sorry honey I was with my family." He frowned.

"Are we not your family anymore?" I chuckled.

"Of course you are but I meant my other family." He looked confused.

"How many families does a person have?" Why are kids of nowadays so smart?

"Many families." I tickled him. "A person can have so many families honey, I will explain how tomorrow okay?" He nodded.

"Okay." I put him down again and he ran back to the game room. I wondered what they were playing. I walked to Hailey and her brother since I was getting worried.

"Hey." I kissed her temple. "Are you okay?"

"Um yeah. I'm okay baby." Her eyes didn't agree with her statement.

"Are you sure?" I asked again and she looked at her brother.

"Dinner is ready." Karen said loud enough for everyone to hear. I looked at her and Annette was next to her with an apron on. This woman loves to cook.

"I'll go and call the kids." Hailey said quickly and then rushed out.

Hailey's POV

I went to the game room and found the kids screaming and playing with each other. I didn't need to be calling kids to dinner since Charlotte was here but I needed to be away from Paige for a few minutes and to calm my nerves.

"Dinner time!" I shouted and they all immediately rushed for the door. I noticed Allison's scar was slowly fading. "You look good honey." I told her and she smiled.

"Thank you aunt Hailey." I followed them behind slowly. I reached the table and my seat was next to Paige like I obviously expected. I looked at her carefully, her neat bun made her face more beautiful. I really love this woman, I thought to myself. I took a deep breath and sat down.

"Babe are you sure you are okay? You don't look fine to me." She asked again in a whisper and my heart started racing again. I managed to nod even when I knew I wasn't. I was super nervous.

"I'm fine." I kissed her cheek and then looked at the food. She sighed.


The dinner went on after Tony prayed and everyone started eating after he was done. I could see everyone was happy. It had been years since the family got together like this under one roof and ate together and I was thrilled this get together happened with Paige around. She was really important to me and I appreciated that my family had accepted her as part of the family. Nathan said something funny, I think about our childhood and everyone laughed. I wasn't paying attention so I couldn't get what he said exactly.

"But mommy hates cats." Cammy said.

"That's because it once ruined her favourite teddy Cammy." Nathan answered.

"Not only Mr Scribles, my hat too." I said giggling.

"It must have been your favourite hat for you to hate cats." Annette said and I nodded.

"It was." I smiled and then looked at Paige again. She smiled at me and I giggled.

"Mr Scribles?" she asked sarcastically and I laughed.

"Don't mock my teddy. I loved him so much and mom's cat had to kill him." She chuckled shaking her head.

"You are so childish." I giggled when she said that. We continued eating and Nathan eyed me knowingly and I nodded. I took a deep breath and then tapped my glass. I gained everyone's attention immediately.

"I would like to say something." I cleared my throat. "Um......first of all thank you to all of you, for honouring my invite and spending this Christmas evening here. I really appreciate it." I smiled and then turned to Paige. "I wanted to say this when it was just the both of us but then I thought since you're already part of this family, they would be happy to witness when you say yes to becoming a legal member of our huge family." Her eyes widened when I took out the diamond ring. "Paige Carson, I love you so much and I wish to spend the rest of my life with you. If there's anything I learned from Xavier's death, it's that life is too short so I don't want to waste any time. I want to make you mine officially and I hope you want that as well. Please, marry me?" I could hear gasps from the others.

I was only praying she doesn't say no, I knew she loved me and we had talked about marriage before but I have watched so many movies of people being turned down before and i don't think I could survive if that could happen to me.

"I love you too baby. Yes." My heart skipped.

"Did you say yes?" I asked in disbelief. She giggled and nodded with tears brimming in her eyes. I slipped the ring on her finger and she immediately grabbed my face and kissed my lips. I could hear a round applause and congratulations from our family.

"Ewe!" The twins said together and I giggled pulling back. This is what happens when you tell kids not to kiss.


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