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One Week later

Kim's POV

"You all should be on your best behaviours today. You will have a new face coming in to work with us and the boss expects you to all show respect and hard work like you have been doing." The annoying boss's PA said. "Okay you'll be called again later for now please go back to work." I rolled my eyes and turned. "Kimberly." I sighed and turned around as the others went away.


"You know, I am only tolerating you because Logan has a soft spot on you and I still wonder why." She said.

"And how is it any of my business what you are wondering?" She let out a laugh.

"You better not cause any trouble for the new boss you'll have or I will have Logan finally see the little devil you are." I chuckled.

"You have no idea how much I'd be happy if you did that." She frowned.

"Excuse me?"

"Elaine do you really think I love this shitty job? Cleaning tables? Logan doesn't have a soft spot you dumbass. He's punishing me by keeping me here." I walked out on her and went to the bathroom.

Paige's POV

My arrival at my new job was welcomed by Logan's PA. She smiled and held out her hand when I approached her.

"Miss Carson, welcome on board." I smiled shaking her head.

"Thank you Elaine." She led me to my office.

"Your office is this way. Please follow me." I nodded and did that also looking around the place. I could spot some of the workers doing their job. "I am not sure if you'll need proper introduction to the staff." She said as we walked.

"Yeah sure." I said my eyes getting familiar with the place and the way to my office so I don't get lost.

"Okay I'll do that." She stopped in front of a door. "After you." I opened the door and walked in. It was very clean and well furnished. I had my own mini frigde and coffee machine.

"Wow." I whispered. Elaine closed the door and allowed me to take time in admiring the office. Plain white walls with a black desk and a black leather chair behind it. Two on the other side for anyone who wants to see me I thought.

There was a book shelf with a few books on the side of the wall and another for files and probably important documents. I had my own computer, printer and scanner at the corner. I smiled loving everything I saw. I turned back to Elaine who was patiently waiting by the door.

"I hope it's what you wanted Miss Carson." I nodded.

"I love it." She smiled.

"Then please allow me to show you the rest of the hotel."

"Okay, after you."

She went on and showed me the rest of the huge building. From the three bars they had where, the kitchen where I met the head chef Dae who was from Korea, the conferences they had and the outside. I didn't need to see each room since some were already occupied but I was shown an empty one to see how they looked like. After the tour we went to one of the conference rooms when she had called the staff to introduce me.

"Like I said earlier we have a new boss people. I don't mean Logan sold the hotel I mean he hired a new manager." Everybody laughed. "Her name is Paige Carson." She pointed my direction.

If you ask me I'd say I don't think they didn't know my name since every magazine probably had wrote about me by now and I could tell from their looks that they recognised me. Some even seemed excited to see me.

"Miss Carson would you like to say a few words?" She asked.

"Um yes." I cleared my throat. "I just want to thank you all for the warm welcome. From your faces I can tell you welcome me and I hope we will respect each other and have a very nice working relationship." I nodded after I was done.

"Okay thank you everyone. You can get back to work." Elaine said. "Ryder?" She called and a blonde girl looked back. "One moment please." She came back.

"Hi Miss Carson." She smiled.

"Hi." I said.

"I didn't see Kim. Is she serving a customer or something?" Elaine asked. Ryder gulped nervously before nodding. Somehow I wasn't convinced. Elaine looked defeated instead. She sighed.

"You can go." Ryder rushed out of our sight. Elaine looked at her watch and inahailed sharply. "I'm sorry Miss Carson but I can't be with you any longer. I have to get back to Logan. You will just have to deal with Kim by yourself." If only she knew the name annoyed me since it reminded me of the Kim I know.

"Who is this Kim?" I asked.

"She's a waitress. One that shouldn't even be here since she's a smart young woman with a degree as well. She's rebellious so you have to be prepared." I frowned.

"Does Logan know about her?" She nodded.

"Unfortunately he does and he has no intention of firing her even if she can burn the entire hotel." My eyes widened.

"Why?" She shrugged.

"I have no idea." I nodded. "Have a good first day Miss Carson. I will see you around." I nodded.

"Thank you and please call me Paige." I said making her smile.

"Okay." With that she left. I went back to my office and sat down still thinking about another troublesome Kim that had just entered my life. Are all Kims a nightmare in people's lives? Do I just ignore her? If she's Logan's favourite then complaining about her would be a waste of time. What does she even have against him to make him take every shit she gives?


After a few minutes I decided to walk to the third bar Elaine showed me. I noticed something I wanted to look into. I walked in the long ass passage but by the staff bathroom I noticed the blonde girl Elaine talked to earlier with cleaning equipment leaning against the door. My heels must have startled her because she jumped.

"Ryder right?" I asked to be sure. I wasn't that good with names.

"Yes." She nodded.

"Why are you leaning against the door and not doing your job? Are you sick?" She shook her head. "Then what?"

"Um the bathroom has been locked for almost an hour." I frowned. "I'm on cleaning duty today."

"It's locked from the inside?" I asked and she nodded. "Did anyone see who last went in?"

"I asked around and they all said it's Kimberly." She said.

"Kimberly? The same Kim Elaine asked you about earlier?" She nodded. "God what is wrong with this human being?" I whispered to myself.


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