Chapter 2: Freshman

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-Mahiru pov-

I have been living alone since Sato told me he'll be back in few days, but he never came back its been almost a year, I clean the house and cook myself dinner and lunch but everything feels so lonely again, I decided to walk on Asano's path

Yakuza was now a gang with no leader I decided to take over it but many of them refused they think It's impossible for a girl to be a leader of this gang, so they left, I was left alone again until I created Kuroi tenshi, my best friend was Hasegawa we meet at the school rooftop

-How she met Hasegawa-

I was bored and there was a free period, I decided to go to the roof top to get fresh air (middle school age 12, Hasegawa is 12 and a half)

I reached the roof of my school, a cold breeze blowing my hair, I closed my eyes and enjoyed when....

"You seem to be enjoying" I turned to see who it was, it was girl with long black hair and glasses

"You seem to be enjoying" I turned to see who it was, it was girl with long black hair and glasses

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"Yeah, I like the cold wind" I slightly smiled and took a deep breath looking forward again

"Me too I like to come here alone and read since I don't have any friends" she replied standing next to me

"Same, I don't really get along with people. So, what were you reading?"

"Oh I was reading hunter x hunter"

"Oh I was reading hunter x hunter"

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"Ahhh I love that one!"

"Really, its so interesting I wanna know what happened next but I don't have the volume" she said looking down at the manga she was holding.

"You mean the latest volume?" She nodded
"I have that if you don't mind coming over to my house and read it, I don't mind"

She agreed, after school we went to my house, she was reading the manga while I was making us snacks, we got along pretty well, it turns out her father owns a dojo class, so she's pretty good at fighting and we decided to create our own gang, since I was good at drawing we design our logo and uniform and named it 'kuroi tenshi'

But it can't have only 2 members so we decided to take people who has different skills and are trustworthy

Firstly, We met Asura Higuchi she was a average height girl with light pink dyed hair, she was a little crazy since she saw her parents death with her own eyes she was traumatized for life but we became friends with her and helped her, she's crazy and a loveable Person, she was our third founder member

After we met Asura we met Omari . actually Asura was the one who found her

Omari Hiyashi, She was an introvert and she loves playing games she has short Pixie hair and wears a green jacket and the shortest among us, Asura found her near a bridge, few people were bullying her cuz She was weak and scared easily and dosent talk much but replies with a nod or short 'hm', Asura saved her and Omari respect her she swear to be by her side and they became friends (best friend)

After we met Omari we met
Kiko Yamaguchi, she was know as a money maker since she's good at taking out information and manipulating people she has lazy eyes and blue-ish hair with high pony, She loves money for no reason and she doesn't work for anyone, we offer her to join our gang and in return we'll give her protection since everyone tired to take her on their gang to earn money for them, but she agreed to join us and she became our fifth founder member

That's how we formed Kuroi tenshi
Asano's dream was to be the top Delinquent in Tokyo, So I decided to take that as my dream
Over the pass few year we grew with almost 180 members

We would get fight threads or some other gangs has problems with us being in the same place but we fought and we're still together

-Present day-

It's been 2 years Kuroi tenshi is still active we lost many members but the best stays, it was hard for me to see them going, but I don't have time to worry about stuff like that I'm 14 now, with my gang of 130 members

"Hey, Mahiru-chan wanna go home together?" A freshman asked me

" I know you somehow?" I looked at her carefully trying to remember who she was

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. Im Yuzuha shiba from class A" she said giving her hand to shake , I gladly took it
We seem to be getting along, she was telling me about her brother and how he treated them.

On our way we heard some people chitchatting so we decided to go check it out we both peak through the wall and saw a girl who was bullying someone she has long wavy purple dyed hair we decided to step in since we both like to fight.

"Hey this looks fun, what's going on here?"  The girl turned it was Julia she's a 1 year senior who is found to be bullying every freshman

"Ah its Julie wtf are you doing now?"

"Mahiru it's none of your business so get out of here, if you dont wanna get in trouble"

"Haha says who" Yuzuha was leaning on the wall enjoying the show

I step closer and closer Julie was holding a pipe. She Swing the pipe to hit

The girl behind her covered her eyes Cuz she was too scared to watch, Julia smirk thinking she hit me.

I caught the pipe. pull it towards me making Julia to let go I threw the pipe away and hit Julia on her face making her kiss the ground

"Yuzuha-chan wanna get in action" I looked back...

"Sure" she said and we started fighting them it was fun untill they all ran away
"Ah it was just getting fun"

"Are you okay?" Yuzuha went to the girl who almost cried.

"Yeah I'm fine thank you" we smiled

"We're going to the store wanna join" I offered her to join and she said yes we became friends it was fun cuz I had finally had my Trio✨ at school

Yuzuha's class was across the hall, we would go home together or come to school together, sometime we spent time with nana going to random places

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