Chapter 46: Brahman

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"What brings you here Brahman?" South yelled looking at the guy who was smoking name Akashi Takeomi.

"Im not here to deal with rokuhara Tendai the only one I wanna deal with is Hanagaki Takemicchi" he yelled.

Mahiru was still standing infornt of South looking at Takeomi.

"Oi oi oi we can't allow you do that we won't give in" it was kakucho he was in rokuhara Tendai.

"Kakucho-san? What are you?" Mahiru was Confused but she only needed to face Madarame right now.

"Why the hell are you under south? Got a change of heart after your "king" died?" Takeomi stated making Mahiru pissed.

"Why the hell do you want Hanagaki?" Mahiru said to Takeomi.

"What does it concern you!" He replied.

"I'm not interested in being here either, South is Madarame in your gang?" She asked.

"Huh what do you want from me!?" He came out of no where the Haitani brother were also behind him and other few people she doesn't recognise.

Mahiru walked up to him and stood infront of him looking up since he was taller.

"Your the girl who's was with that scummy Iza-" Mahiru clenched her fist her brows turned into V and he was cut off when she kicked him on his head making him unconscious.

"Don't speak ill of the death" everyone was shocked by what happened, what does she wants from Madarame? They thought.

"OII!!" South was angry he tried to grab Mahiru but a umbrella came towards him.

Someone kicked south on his head but nothing happened to him, Mahiru knew who it was.

"Long time no see Senju" Mahiru said grinning.

"I don't wanna get wet" she said and took off her hood while holding a umbrella.

"Brahman boss kawaragi Senju" Mahiru said and she stood in the middle.

"Grazioso kawaragi Senju I'm getting all nervous" south said.

Madarame got up looking at Mahiru, but she has no reaction "You really got guts huh!!" His voice was annoying, he came running towards her trying to take revenge.

"You killed one of members so!" Mahiru dodge his punch and punch him, Madarame went flying.

"Ehhhh with one punch by a girl Madarame went flying" the other Rokuhara member started chattering.

Another member from Brahman named Arashi Keizou aka benkei hit one of the member in rokuhara Tendai, kakucho came running and hit him.

"If Takemicchi wishes to return to the world of Delinquent, he belongs to us, Rokuhara Tendai" kakucho said after he punched benkei.

Draken got up challenging south there were many gang members present there so there was a traffic jam, Draken and South almost fight but the police came.

"Im only here to defeat the kantou Manji gang leader Manjiro sano" Takemicchi yelled cause everyone was trying to get Takemicchi on there gang.

"I'll never join rokuhara Tendai!!" Draken yelled before They left.

Mahiru went back to her bike and her members "I don't get it" she whispered.

"Let's go" Mahiru got on bike and drove to Draken store, she told others to go to the Hideout.

Mahiru knocked on the door and seishu opened telling her to come in she was also wet.

"Can you bring me a towel?" She asked seishu and he went inside.

"Now what is your deal, why the fuck are you back from the future!!" Mahiru said looking at Takemicchi.

"I have to save Mikey-kun" he stated.

"What happened this time?"

Takemicchi told Mahiru what happened on the future, bonten and how Mikey tried to killed him and how he time leap by shaking hands with Mikey.

"You came back by shaking hands with Mikey not naoto" seishu came back and Takemicchi went out to talk to Draken.

"Everything is a mess I have to get Kakucho back" Mahiru went out the door and saw Senju, Draken, Takemicchi and Takeomi.

"what's going here?" She asked.

"Takemicchi joined Brahman and you should too" Takeomi said.

"Hey!! our president can't join your gang just because you asked her too!!" Hasegawa and Haru came from behind.

"What are you two doing here?"

"We have a issue at the Hideout come quick" Hasegawa said and they ran the other way.

Mahiru sighed "I guess it's time, see ya later Senju and here" Mahiru took something out from her pocket and threw it towards senju it was a can of juice (senju's favourite flavour).

She caught it "bye Mahiru" Senju waved back. They know eachother Takemicchi thought.

Senju told Takemicchi to meet at Harajuku tomorrow at 3PM.


Mahiru to the Hideout when she entered through the door her eyes got widened by what she saw.

"Mikey?" Mahiru was surprised to see Mikey sitting on her place, beside him were his memeber along with koko, sanzu, and others.

"Can we talk?" He said with a cold voice.

Mahiru told the others to wait outside and went to Mikey.

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