Chapter 63: Fortunate

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*munch* *munch* "Mikey slow down!" I said handing him a glass of water.

"How long were you guys stuck there" Hasegawa also tried to calm Takemicchi and Draken down who were eating like it was the end of the world.

"About a month" Takemicchi replied in the middle of chewing.

"You guys can pay right?" Draken asked worried.

"Yeah yeah don't worry about it""

After eating the bill cost 800 yen "Mahiru the bill" Hasegawa shower me the bill.

"I- man they must be hungry, here" I gaved my credit card to Hasegawa and she pay.

"Thanks for the meal Mahiru" I just smiled and we decided to go back to our hotel, later Seishu called to check on us and we told him what happened.

"Yeah we'll be in our way now" I hung up and packed my bags.


"So the train will be here in few minutes" Mahiru said and sat on her suitcase while others also waited.

"Mikey let's buy some snacks" Takemicchi invite Mikey and they went to buy some snacks.

"Mahiru you seem worried, is everything okay?" Hasegawa asked sitting beside her on her suitcase.

"Yeah just low on budget, I was thinking of starting a part time job when we get back to Shibuya"

"Are you gonna go back to that ramen shop?"

"I was thinking I rather not cause I need high payed one" Hasegawa just nodded and the train had also arrived.

"Mikey, Takemicchi the train is here let's go!" Draken yelled as Mikey and Takemicchi came running while holding a bag full of snacks.

They got on the train and left for Shibuya, everything seem to be normal but Mahiru was still searching for a job.

Mahiru pov

I forced opened the door without looking who was present in the room

"So Hasegawa get this I got a new job AHHHHH!" I said excited and started dancing without music.

"WoW Your really good at dancing" I stopped when I heard someone's voice I knew who's voice was that.

"Whatt!! I- ahh it's so embrassing I was just it's just wait, What are you doing here seishu-kun?" I was still holding the envelope.

He just chuckled and got up holding some cardboard boxes.

"I just came by to get these" he was holding few boxes.

"For what?"

"You didn't got the message?" Hasegawa asked and handed me some cardboard box.

"Heard what?"

"You should really start checking your messages, Omari got a new job and she's moving to a bigger place and she wanted us to help her clean out the arcade" Hasegawa and the 3 of us got out the house.

"Ohh I see" I just followed them since I thought they are happy for Omari then me, I just kept it to myself.

"Man this is a lot of papers and documents" we started cleaning the place and everyone was present, Mikey, Draken, Hasegawa, Asura, me and Omari.

"If you guys don't mind can you put birth certificate, document and other papers seperately" Omari was disconnecting her computer and other stuff.

"Why do you have so many birth certificate?" Mikey asked curious.

"To get information off course"

3rd pov

Mahiru suddenly dropped few certificate she was holding, while picking them up her left eye caught Izana's photo.

She picked it but there was another paper attached to it, she asked Omari "why are there two Izana's birth certificate" her hands were full, she couldn't unfold it.

"Ohh I suddenly found out the person who adopted him and also the person who abandon him" Omari replied but Mahiru wanted to know this person who hurt him so badly.

Mahiru unfold the paper and saw a girl with long blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Hashimoto Saeko huh"

Meanwhile Mikey was also collecting few which was present in the bottom shelf, he suddenly found Mahiru's.

His eyes got widened when he read Mahiru's real name, his thoughts got interrupted by Draken calling him as he quickly hide it.

"I guess that's all" they bid farewell to Omari and put all the boxes on the truck.

"Ahh I'm tired" Hasegawa stretch her arms as she yawn, she suddenly remember something.

"Yeah what was your good news you shared this morning?"

"Oh that it's just I got a high payed job at the hospital" Mahiru sounded worried.

"Isn't that a good thing?" She noticed and asked confused.

"Yeah it is and I'm happy about it but it's something else that's bothering me" she went to the bedroom to change clothes.


"Well I can't think but notice I found the person who abandon Izana-san and made him this miserable" Mahiru sat on the bed.

"I have missed out so many things over the past 5 years, I don't even know what happened to Nana and I don't even know where is kazutora" Mahiru said looking down all the time.

"Okay" Hasegawa took a deep breath

"Nana moved back to Shirokane in Minato city, and she works in one of the biggest company in Tokyo related to fashion, kazutora got released few months before you and he also went to sort things out with Nana after he did to Mikey's and others" Hasegawa said in one breath leaving Mahiru impressed.

"Oh that reminds me why Hiyoko kept asking me about Mikey" she chuckled.


"Yeah she's a women I met on the juvie, we shared the same cell and I told her about you guys and all the stuff I do here and most of the time she asked me about how Mikey is or how he look his height and other stuff"

"Does she knows Mikey?"

"Yeah actually she's Mikey's mother"

[Mahiru told Hasegawa about what she did at the juvie, same goes for Hasegawa she told her stuff she missed out]


Mahiru pov

"I'm Mahiru Shirota" I introduce myself at the hospital to get to know the people and yes I used my fake last name.

"So Mahiru how old are you?" A girl came and asked me, she seem friendly.

"Im 23"

"I see, I'm Izumi" she put a hand to shake and I gladly accept it.

"If you need any help don't hesitate to ask" the people who work at the hospital were kind and friendly.

My job was to deliver food and other supplies to the patients or sometimes just give them company.

"So Mahiru, how are you Today?" The grandmother asked, I have been visiting her and giving her company for few days and she seem to like me.

"Im fine how are you feeling grandmother" I asked fixing her pillow helping her to sit straight.

"Glad to hear" I put the foldable table on upon her lap, and served her the food.

I gaved her company until she needed later when it was time for her to rest I would leave and do other work that was needed.

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