Chapter 12: New Bike

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I've had been on my house for almost 3 days I wasn't getting out nor I wanna meet anyone,

I was lying on my bed my hair was very messy and I haven't taken any bath, suddenly I remembered Asano's old bike is still on the garage I got up to check

I went outside and saw the garage was closed and on the gateway there were many boxes and old tires,  I thought of moving them and cleaning the place but I was already tired and I smelled bad

After few minutes of showering and cleaning myself I was ready to take that (I'll think about the nickname later)

I tied my hair up and started getting the brick and old tires out the way, gotta tell ya it was heavy.

After taking most of it out the gateway
I opened the door it was a little rusty but I was strong enough to do it, after fully opening it there was dust everywhere and spider webs, I Looked around thinking if there wasn't any weird animal hiding.

There I saw Asano's old bike I remember him riding and I would sit at the back sometimes, I slowly took it out there was dust sitting and some webs I parked it outside my house on the sunlight, first I dust it and got rid of all the web's.

"Where's the key?" I remember I don't hav the key nor it was attached to the bike. I Rushed back to the house and started finding it. I glared at Asano's room I know I'm not allow to enter but I still need the key. I slowly entry and started looking at his drawer there were many things, at last I found a small box I was confused what could it be inside but I didn't care all I could think about was the bike key. I found a small ring box type "maybe this is it" I thought and opened it and it was the key.

I rushed back outside and put it in, trying to start it but it wasn't starting I was hella confused why tf isn't this starting. I check the oil it was half full for some reason I got off and take a look.

"Hoi Mahiru- Woahh you got a new bike"
I turned and saw Mikey With draken
His eyes were sparkling when he saw the bike. He came near the bike to check it out
I rub the back of my head

"No actually that's Asano's bike it was on the garage for so long, so I just thought of owning it but what are you guys doing here"

"We haven't heard from you in so long and you were no where to be found, So we came to check" he gaved me a plastic bag I took it and saw there was strawberry juice. "Thank you guys"

"Draken-kun?" I called and he hummed turning around
"Can you fix that, I don't know what's the problem with it.

"Yeah off course" he walked towards it and took a look
Me and Mikey were sitting on the stairs watching Draken.

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