Chapter 23: Joining walhalla

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It was 5' o'clock in the evening I was bored so I went to Baji's house to play with him but he wasn't there I decided to look around and saw him with Kazu I almost called them but they went inside a old arcade I follow them somehow.

I peek through the wall, Baji and kazutora were talking and got inside.

"Well isn't this Mikey's servant" I know that voice.

"Oh hoi Hanma-kun and please call me Mahiru-chan or anything else you'll like but not that and I'm not Mikey's servant"

"Oh really what are you doing here?" He asked, his voice is scary.

"I was following baji-san and he went inside there".

"Come I'll take you to him and I won't do anything to you".

I trusted him and follow him inside bad decision there were many guys wearing the same uniform and I saw baji hitting someone.

"Wait I know that hair" dammit its chifuyu.

"So what's going here?" I asked in my shaky voice.

"Baji is showing whether we can trust him or not, if he want to join Valhalla he has to gain our trust"

"By beating one of his closest friends?"
He noded.

I was actually surprised no one saw me or they did but just ignore I don't know.

That's when Takemicchi entered he was looking at me with those eyes again Baji got up and untied his hair I sat somewhere near a guy who was eating chips "here want some" he gesture me to get some I was surprised but I wanna see what happens so I just sat there.

"Hanagaki give Mikey this message

A week from now, on October 31st In the abandoned car lot Valhalla vs Toman our final fight" Takemicchi left ASAP from there.

"Sate(now), I'm going it's getting dark"
I got up baji widened his eyes I gave a smile and make a peace sign.

"Hey, Princess if you don't mind can you get this guy out of here" hanma said pointing at Chifuyu's unconscious body


"Yeah you said I can call you whatever I want" he smirk.

"Ugh finee".

I pick Chifuyu up since he wasn't that heavy I gave him a piggy ride till my house, I put him on the couch and brought a bucket with warm water and a handkerchief to clean the blood.

I started wiping the blood on his eye and face when he suddenly woke up, he hold my wrist so tight.

"That hurts fuyu-chan let go" he simply let go I massaged my wrist.

"Im sorry"

"It's okay you shouldn't move.

by the way what happened back there why was kei-kun beating you".

He lay down letting me wipe his blood/tears away lol.

"I got beat up so he could join Valhalla, but Baji-san didn't get into Valhalla to distroy toman".

"What do you mean?"

He went silent "so kei-kun knows something about that guy kisaki right?"

He hummed in respons.

I finished cleaning him so I got up and went towards my room.

I Came back after few min with some clean cloths.

"Here you should change your Toman uniform it's all dirty"

"Thanks" he took it and started taking his clothes off I hit him.
"Not here you baka"

"Sorry" he got up and went to the bathroom while I clean the floor

I took out 2 cup noodles and boil water while I wait I was thinking how to save baji

He came back wearing Asano's cloths ofc

"Come sit I bet your hungry" I said pulling out the chair, he sat and I pour the water

"How are you feeling? How's your eye?" I asked putting the lid.

"Im fine it still hurt but I'm fine And-" he stopped and look down.


"Thank you for all this Mahiru-chan"

"Your welcome and dont worry I'll try my best to protect kei-kun" I smiled, we ate and he left kita was also home.

"You really like protecting and helping your friends?" Kita asked sitting with me in the dining table.

"Well yeah when I had no one they helped me and protected me" I said shrugging.

"So tell me about your mother so that we can begin the search"

"Well actually I dont really know much about her but the Asano family said that abandon me, but I refused to believe that" he said he wasn't sure

There was still a week left for the fight between Toman and Valhalla so I thought of getting information about kita mysterious mother.


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