Chapter 13: Kashikoi

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The next day Sakura had told Mahiru to have a meeting at the shrine at 5 but is she willing to go?...

-Mahiru Pov-

It was 12 in the morning I didn't went to school since it was Saturday and I didn't feel like going. I was home alone I still wanted to wear that earing so I pick up and safety pin from my childhood dress. Gathering all courage, it was helix type so I plucked a hole on my upper ear, and it hurts but not for long.

After few hours of spending time with myself I decided to call that meeting official and go to Hasegawa's house I wore my kuroi tenshi uniform and went out the door it was 3 in the afternoon.

"Oiii Hasegawa come out" I yelled from the front gate, she peek through the window and gesture me 'wait I'll be there'
I waited for few min she came wearing her uniform.

We went to the convenience store and brought ice cream, while eating we decided to walk till the shrine it was a bit far and by the we get there it'll already be 5.

When we reached there, there were many chitchatting and argument, I went up the stairs and saw halfway was full with kuroi tenshi member and other half was fill with Maruhanabachi, they were arguing with eachother.

"Ah you want a piece of this" a Maruhanabachi members said making a fist and pulling up her sleeves.

"Yeah! you think your strong I'll take you down in 5 sec" it was no other then kiko Yamaguchi, Asura was holding her telling her to clam down it was same for the Maruhanabachi member.

I look up at the shrine there was Sakura sitting and beside her was katsuki standing, I look at the side and Kuroi tenshi top member were sitting a bit far from them.

I stood infront of Sakura
"Oakaresama des shachou" my gang members greeted, I looked at Sakura she was smirking for some reason Hasegawa was behind me, incase if anything happens she's there to help.

"So what do you wanna talk about" I looked at her with a bored expression.

"So" she got up taking a deep breath
"As I told you there is this new gang in town called 'Kashikoi' they were here for many generations but they were on hiding when they found out about us that they are more girl delinquent other then them so they decided to take over us and distroy us" she finished talking and looked at me waiting for an answer.

"And how do you know this!?" I was confused how did she know this much, that they will destroy us and take over us something doesn't quite add up.

"Some of my member were beaten up very bad for this information, please I want you to trust me, I want you to join this gang and take them down, So what do you say?"

"I'll get back to you in few min" I went over to my division president and Hasegawa, we discussed it for a bit and decided.

"Okay we will do it but when we take them down then it's over no more pairing up, and if your lying or betray us then I'll kill you" I said making eye contact.

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