Chapter 57: The Future No One Knows

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"Hey, your Baji keisuke from Yamamoto accountant department right?" A girl with red dress, her curves visible with red lipstick asked.

"Yeah and you are?"

"Im Rinka hayami, from the production department I believe we haven't met since our department always work outside the job" she replied and shaking hands with keisuke (they were at a party where they can discuss about buisness)

"Yeah have a seat can I get you a drink" keisuke didn't want to be rude..

"Yes I would love that" she replied smiling.


-Mahiru pov-

I was eating lunch at the same time we eat everyday when suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my stomach and stoped half way from eating.

"Mahiru you okay?"

"I-I'm fine" I continue but I suddenly lost my appetite and went back to my room.


Keisuke and Rinka spend the evening together talking with eachother, it was late at night and keisuke decided to drop her home.

"Carefull you might trip" she got drunk.

"Hmmm your a cute guy why are you single?" She asked drunkenly getting close.


"Is it because your gay? Or just can't move on from your first love?" She almost trip but keisuke caught her, they were very close she moved forward closer and closer.

"What are yo-" he was cut when there're lips touched together, he didn't hold back 'i have to stop hoping we're gonna meet soon'


-The Future No One Knows-

Takemicchi Was getting married finally everyone was present even Mikey but Mahiru wasn't there.

'I've been searching for Mahiru but she's nowhere to be found, where could she be gone, I know Mikey knows where she is but why is he acting like he don't' Takemicchi's thought were interrupted by the door knocking.

"Takemicchi-kun it's time" Yuzuha called, he got up and went up the alter.

"I Takemicchi take take you, Tachibana Hinata to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death" Takemicchi repeated the priest words, now it was Hina's turn.

She also repeated the priests words but something caught his left eye, he slightly look over and saw a figure leaning against the wall outside the chruch.

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