Chapter 45: Revenge!

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After two days I went back to Draken shop to check on my bike cause I was busy with the mannequin yesterday.

"Hey Mahiru" Inupi called cause I was peeking through the store glass.

"Oh Hey hi I was just hanging" I put my hand on the wall leaning.

"Inupi is it Mahiru let her come" Draken proclaimed from inside.

"Come" he said I followed him while looking around.

"It's all better here the keys" he threw the keys and I caught it "give it a test run" he said as he took it outside.

I started the bike and it was running fine but the sound it was making was a little different.

"Why does it sound different" I asked.

"Busted" Inupi whispered but I heard it and he went inside.

"What did you do?"

"It's nothing I just changed few things" a sweat drop on his forehead.

"How much does it cost?"

"Ah it's okay you don't have to pay"

"I know you changed the motor" I stopped the engine and look at him, I was still wearing the new uniform.

"You don't have to pay it was just extra parts and just take it as a Thank you" he stated making me confused.

"Thank you? For what?"

"You'll know" he smiled and went back inside, I didn't had anything to do so I also went my way on my bike it was smoother then before.

After 2years.

It's been 2years since the Tenjiku incident, and most of the people who were arrested during the fight were released.

Mahiru went to visit kakucho few months ago.

"Hey how have you been?" Mahiru asked sitting behind the glass.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"I came to visit you and look at this" Mahiru stood up and turned around showing him the Tenjiku sign..

"Is that?" His eyes were widened.

"Yeah I kinda changed it and since your the only one Izana-san had I want you to join" Mahiru was not sure what will he reply.

He was looking down thinking "I wish I could but here There's this guy and I have to-" the bell ring cause his time was already over.

The gaurd came and took him Mahiru was thinking what does he meant by this guy.


Mahiru was with Nana shopping cause Nana needed someone and Mahiru was available.

Nana was looking around for some stuff she needed, while Mahiru was just following her around and helping her with carrying bags.

"President!!" A guy called he joined Kuroi Tenshi few months ago.

"What?" Mahiru and Nana turned.

"It's Ayo-chan come quick" Mahiru was Confused but she followed him and got in her bike and told him to take Nana home.

After few minutes of driving she reached the location he told her and other members were gathered some of them were kneeling down.

"What happened?" Mahiru got at the middle and her eyes got widened when she saw Ayo Matsuda was laying on the ground beat up and her sister Akira was holding onto her.

"We didn't do anything it was him" her sister's eyes were widened as she said this she was angry and confused.

"Who did this?" Mahiru asked and kneeled down.

"He said his name is Madarame"

Mahiru touched Ayo's face and smiled lightly "don't worry it's okay we'll take your revenge" she caressed her face slightly and got up.

"Is she?" Mahiru asked Hasegawa.

"Yes" she replied, kuroi Tenshi has atleast 500 members with 250 guy members.

"Omari who's this guy Madarame?"

"It's the guy who was arrested with kakucho and other 5 people on Yokohama"

"So, he's also here" Mahiru said softly and look up at the gray sky.

"Mahiru the 3 deities are in town and that guy Madarame is one of rokuhara Tendai number 5" a guy stated standing behind her.

"So, I guess we'll pay them a little visit"

"But we're not one of the 3 deities"


He went silent cause Mahiru glare at him for few sec "that's what I thought lets go"

Mahiru slightly grin and got on her bike but she didn't know where she was going, when it starts raining.

"Guys stay close" the other gang members were catching up with Mahiru behind her, on their bike.

Mahiru suddenly stopped when she spotted Draken with Takemicchi and Inupi was on the ground, they were surrounded with many gang members on their bike.

"Deken partner up with me" the huge guy said but Draken denied so he punched him.

Draken was down, he could barely move, Mahiru didn't do anything but watched.

"President I think we shouldn't get involved" A guy said and the guy who hit Draken name South looked towards her direction.

"Who the hell are you!" he asked Mahiru was just looking at him, not to mention she was 18 and a half years old and stronger since she wanted to defeat Mikey and her hair was also longer.

"You know any guy name Madarame?" Mahiru asked.

"Huh!! Your Asano Mahiru right" he recognised her since she carry the name 'Asano'.

Mahiru look around, Draken was still down Takemicchi still had his terrified face and Inupi was also on the ground.

"Get lost!" South yelled and threw a punch on Mahiru.

"Mahiru!!" Inupi yelled since he and Mahiru got close during the year 'he called' Mahiru thought and Dodge the punch.

"Huh you punch like a lady" she said teasing him which made him angrier.

"Don't go off and act like your the big guy... you should take notice of people around you" a guy came out of nowhere he was smoking.

"2 out of 3 deities are here!!" Takemicchi thought


The 3 Deities were

Kantou manji gang
Rokuhara Tendai

Kuroi Tenshi wasn't one of the 3 Deities but they were still at top, since Draken told Mahiru not to pay for the motor, Mahiru returned the favour by giving him and Inupi a can of different juice almost every time when they meet eachother.

Nana is 16 years old and everyone else has been 2 years older. And Mahiru still work at the Ramen shop as a manager and Haru Yoshida also joined Kuroi Tenshi.

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