Chapter 19: An old tale

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"Well... It was nothing we ran into eachother yesterday at the mall he was with someone else I don't know who she was but she wasn't the girl we saw that day and that girl just pull him and went the other way I was just upset that he didn't even talk to me that's it" I said shrugging.

"So it must be her girlfriend?" Hasegawa asked taking a juice from the vending machine.

"I don't know but I thought he liked me" I laughed out loud "stupid of me to think someone will like me".

"Oh come on who wouldn't like a badass girl who's good at flighting and has a gang of her own" Hasegawa tried to cheer me up.

"Thanks but I'm not upset with him and I don't even know why I ignore him"

-The next day-

I was going to the mall to get the new volume of hunter x hunter when I saw keisuke with that same girl, she was holding his arms.

"I told you I'm not interested in dating anyone" I heard kei telling her.

"But come on I'm pretty and I want you to be my boyfriend--she stopped-- or else I'm gonna make a scene and yell you tried to rape me" even her makeup was disgusting.

Baji look like he was out of words

"Ok then it's settle lets go tell others we're dating" if it was a guy Baji would've hit him already but he was respectfull towards girls any girls.

"Come on, Now kiss me" she was annoying and I was annoyed by her actions. She leaned in to kiss him but Baji moved back but she didn't stoped.
Now she has crossed the line.

*Thwack* I suddenly showed up between them, Baji was shocked to see me there, I punched her on the face now she was holding her face by Sitting on the floor.

"Listen plastic this is my man and if you ever tried to go near him or call him --I bend towards her-- I'll kill you (korosu)"

She tsked and got up fix herself and left without any other word.

Dammit what did I just do did I just called him 'my man' infront of him wtfff way to go Mahiru!!!

I heard Baji laughing I turned at him and he was still laughing I gaved him the
'seriously' look.

"Let's go home" he hold my hand I was blushing so hard but I keep it cool, he put his hand inside his pocket while holding mine. So we're a couple now?
I was very confused.

August 6

I sighed and looked at my tea when something caught my eye it was the bracelet that's been there for almost 2 months, 'Ughhhhh why is this is this so hard' I lay on the couch when.

"Tadaima" kita was home I went jumping to him.

"Hey welcome back how was your trip" I asked smiling, but he look dull.

"What happened? You okay!?"
He look at me and put down his stuff.

"I have something to tell you"

"Okay what is it?"

"Do you know what does your tattoo means?" I widened my eyes.

"When did you saw my tattoo?" I said in a cold voice.

"Many times but you never noticed"

I scoffed.

"Actually No, Asano-kun said your the only person  I have to pass this gang and he left some letters, but I'm still searching for that place where the Asano family lives" I look down and sat on the couch.

He took a deep breath "They live in Okayama, And Your tattoo present the youngest son"

I look at him confusedly "What do you mean?" I whispered softly.

"Well, let me explain. Father has 4 children the youngest was haruki (Asano-kun) and oldest was  Yoshihiko and second was Teruhiko one of the siblings was a girl. The founder member of Yukuza was Shin'ichi Asano and now the current leader is Yutaka Hiraoka but he wasn't the member of Asano family"

"So, how is this relate to the tattoo I own"

"Well they all had a tattoo and you got the youngest son tattoo which is passed by the Haruki himself, and that means your one of the siblings"

"So you mean Asano-kun knew he was gonna die and he wanted me to take his place is that what you mean?" I said looking at him.

"Well... Yes" he sound sad.

"Wait I have something to show you" I went to Asano's room and took out the box I found when I got my bike.

"Here" I gaved him a picture of Asano with another boy "is this you" he took the picture and take a look.

"Y-Yeah where did you got this?" He asked.

"I found it while searching for something in Asano's room, So that mean your-"

"Mhm Yes I was his first born, they forced my mother to leave the house and they kick Haruki out"

"Is that why you came to Shibuya-" He nodded. "To search for your mother?"

"Dont worry I'll help you, and I'll prove them that Haruki wasn't weak"

"And I brought something for you" he starting searching for something inside his bag.

"Oooo you brought me a gift" I was excited.

"Here" he hand me a black medium size box, I tilled my head in confusion.

"What is this?"

"Open it" he said and I open it, it was two black bracelet with the same charm just one smaller.

"Omg it's so pretty, why did you get me this?" I asked looking at him.

"Well that's a couple bracelet and I want you to give it to someone who can love you for who you are and it belongs to Haruki"

"Shouldn't you have it I mean I'm even his blood related daughter"

"Well I want you to have it plus I don't think I'm ever gonna get a girlfriend" he chuckled and took his stuff to the bedroom.

"So tell me what do you know about your mom?" I asked sitting on the dining table.

"I only know her name and some information where she lives but it keep changing so I lost my way."

"Is that why you were at Osaka?"


"Don't worry I'll help you search for her, I know someone who can do that"

Chapter is getting very weird for me and I can't concentrate on it cuz of my exam which I'm gonna have pretty soon and my head is fill with crap but Thank you for reading keep reading it'll get better from here I promise <3

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