Chapter 29: Stand Alone

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I broke the hug and faced him with a red face

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I broke the hug and faced him with a red face.

"I-Im so sorry do you need a tissue" I was soo embarrassed by myself, I quickly went through the bag which Baji's mom left. But I saw he licked his lips smirking.

"I- " I was speechless and embarrassed what would he think of me, why the hell did I do that? Was it necessary--, my thoughts were interrupted with a.

"Wanna do it again" he smirk again.

Then suddenly the doctor came in and I was saved. I quickly excused myself and went to the bathroom.

The doctor was taking his time with Baji and I called everyone that Baji was awake.

Later everyone came and they were happy to see baji was awake, chifuyu was happy the most he cried.

They let baji depart from the hospital and I helped him with his stuff his mother was working late.

"So should I just keep this stuff here?"

"Yeah just put it there" he went to take a fresh up and I unpacked everything cuz there was many stuff, I boiled the water for him to eat peyoung yakisoba.

Suddenly my phone rang and I picked it up near the door.

"Hey it's Haru"

"Oh yeah, Haru what's up"

"That dress you have to wear it's ready for pick up"

"Oh okay I'll pick it up on Monday"

"Okay bye"

I hung it up and turned around but I got startled cause I saw Baji standing so close.

"Was that a guy?" he asked his voice was scary.

"Yeah it was my classmate" he eyes were very pretty no wtf am I thinking he lean closer my heart was beating too fast.

"Baji-san" it was Chifuyu he was knocking on the door.

I told him to go and change while I open the door, chifuyu came to give baji company and I left cause I had other things to do.

Next day I went to pick up the dress, Mitsuya was also there, he told me to try it on.

"Are you sure this is the dress I have to wear?" I said looking myself at the mirror wearing the dress.

"Yeah put your hands up" he said and I did, he was fixing it to see whether I was comfortable with it or not.

"Is it too tight?" He said circling around.

"Not really it's comforting, and where does this go" I found a long ribbon just hanging on the waist.

"Oh that it goes here" he took the ribbon and wrap it around my waist actually he was too close.

After few more days it was finally the day for the fashion show and the program, we were asked to showed up early, there were many people and students from the Naganuma School.

Few more hours of waiting and final touches it was time the curtain were down.

First one to get out was (random name) she might have done it so well the crowd were cheering and clapping.

When it was my time I was terrified and and shaking this is why I don't participate, my knees were literally shaking.

"Mahiru-chan it's okay you can do it" haru hold my hand telling me to calm down I actually calm down, it was his turn to get out so he did, later I did.

I walk on the ramp, while I was on the stage I saw Mikey and Draken standing there but I ignore and continue.

[The walk was like haru would stay there and I'll walk to him hold his hand and post while he puts his arm around my waist and my other would be on his shoulder]

The ramp walk was over in a blink of eye, I was just hoping we might win this year.

"The festival theme conducted Blah blah blah and the Winner is Naganuma!"

Everyone from Naganuma School started Clapping and screaming in joy. But everyone from our school were upset.

"Now the ramp walk both of the groups dresses were very unique and beautiful and the marks are also very close" the teacher said I was clenching on my dress praying cause this was my first time participating and I didn't wanna lose.

And we won after 2years everyone was happy, Mikey and Draken came to greet and congratulate, they gaved extra thanks to Mitsuya cause he was the one who helped the most.

After all the program were over we were on the cleaning community with few people and one of them were yuzuha and Nana but Nana couldn't stay long so his brothers came to pick her up.

"Ah today was fun" yuzuha said stretching her arms up and yawning.

"Looks like you had fun" I said picking up some garbage.

"Yeah I did, I was eating the whole time" she giggled and continue.

"By the way did you heard, that Takemicchi became a member of Toman"

"What really!" I was a little shocked but he deserves it after all it was thanks to him Draken was saved.

"By the way I'm going bowling with Takemicchi and hina wanna come?" She asked but I told her I can't since I had other stuff to do.

-After few day-
Third person pov

Mahiru just finished her work at the ramen place and yes she pick up some shifts on the ramen place the old man was willing her to pay atleast 300 yen for an hour.

She was walking home when she spot yuzuha walking with Takemicchi and hina and his brother Hakkai.

They were surrounded with some other gangs and she spotted koko and seishu, "what the- they were in a gang" she thought and went to check it out.

They started fighting and threating them hakkai punched a guy and seishu pointed a knife towards hakkai but yuzuha kicked him "that's my girl" Mahiru was proud of yuzuha.

"Need any help" Mahiru walked up smiling at yuzuha.

"Hanagaki get out of here leave this to us" yuzuha said but Taiju suddenly came running and hit Takemicchi.

He didn't stoped hitting Takemicchi, Taiju came infront of hakkai, "dont Conner hakkai like that" yuzuha said cause Mahiru knew she loved his brother.

Mahiru suddenly pull yuzuha backward from her coller "hey woah dude" Mahiru said cause she saw that Taiju would hit her anytime and she saved her.

Taiju just ignored her and started hitting Takemicchi non-stop hina almost went to stop him but yuzuha stoped her.

"I'll quit Toman but in exchange let Takemicchi go" he said and he stoped.

Takemicchi blacked out and woke up being carried by Hakkai and Mahiru was behind her Drinking juice.

"Oh Takemicchi-kun your awake"

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