Chapter 22: Leaving Toman

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After few week I went to visit Asano, it was going the same I took some flowers and I was talking to myself.

"You know it's weird if we think about it takemicchi knew Draken was gonna die and he knew that Mikey and Draken are gonna fight and he was at the spot where meobius and toman war was held" I got up realising something

"I gotta talk to him". I took out a strawberry juice from my bag and drank it I kept talking to myself thinking Asano could hear somehow I didn't realise but I was there for almost 3 hours I bit farewell and went back to my place I left the candle and the flowers there.

I saw takemicchi going home I follow him.

"Takemichi-kun" I said in a scary voice, he got startled.

"You scared me Mahiru-chan" he said putting his hand on his chest

"Do you mind explaing yourself"

"Um what do you mean" a sweat drop on his forehead

"That how did you know Draken-kun and Mikey are gonna have a fight and that Draken-kun is gonna be stab during the fight no one saw Draken was stab but you started to find him just in that moment you knew that don't you?" I step closer and closer to him to scare him I think it worked.

"I don't know what your talking about maybe it was just luck" he slutter.

"I know where your from okay I know everything" I lied.

"Y-You do?"

I noded

"So you know I'm from the future how do you know that!!"

"Wait your from the future!!" I proclaimed

"Shhhhh keep it quite, and I thought you said you knew?"

"Oh well I lied and that explains everything"

"Wtf you lied dammit" he cursed

"So what are you up too now" I asked following him inside his house

"I came back yesterday and it was going fine but I have to stop Baji from getting killed"

Mahiru winded her eyes "wait what, you mean Baji is gonna die??" . He nodded in response

"I can't let this happen!!"

Takemicchi looked at me confused
"Why do you like-" he got cut off when I threw the pillow on his face "ouchh"

"It's nothing like that you idiot, its just *look down* if Baji die Mikey is gonna lose himself and everything will fall apart"

"That's what" Takemicchi rub his chin

"So this is what we're gonna do--"

I explained the plan and we'll go according to it if anyone tried to hit or beat takemicchi I'll give him protection.

We bit farewell and I went back to my place to rest its been a long day.

Next day
Mahiru pov

It was a pleasant day I was waiting outside for Mikey, Draken and Takemicchi outside the public bath after few min they came out and I went with them we were talking and laughing but something seems off it was like a weird feeling

That evening

Everyone was gathered Takemicchi was also there but he wasn't on any division,
I just sat somewhere so that no one can see me but it wasn't that far

Draken yelled "The nomination for the Tokyo Manji gang's third division captain will began now"

"The third division what is Mikey thinking giving this position to some random dude" I thought

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