Chapter 60: Set Free!

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*yawns* "Hiyoko-san I'm bored-" Hiyoko cut her off by throwing a pillow on her face

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*yawns* "Hiyoko-san I'm bored-" Hiyoko cut her off by throwing a pillow on her face.

"Ouch- hey I was wondering how old are you now?"

"I think I'm almost 40" she replied knitting something.

"And wht are you doing?"

"Nothing just making something" she continued.

"Okayy then, and I never asked you this but have you ever fallen in love?" Mahiru hasitated to ask.

She scoffed "yeah the reason why I'm here"

"You killed someone and that was your husband?"

"What- No Idiot, his girlfriend I should have kill him not her"

"Really? But why?"

"Cause y'know she was a whore and I didn't saw that, so I started blaming him and she kept interfering so I killed her" she simply put causing Mahiru to drop a sweat.

"Oh I see and what's your last name?" She stoped knitting and looked worried.

"I don't remember" she lied

"So big day tomorrow huh"

"Yeah I'm so excited I don't think I'll be able to sleep.

"*Chuckles* like that time when they bust you out of jail and no one knew"

"Yeahh that was hella fun" she lay back refreshing some memories.


Mahiru was sleeping peacefully, not to mention it was 3:30 in the morning, she woke up by the sound of chain dragging and some people whispering.

"073, 072, 070, 069 here open this" someone whispered, Mahiru woke up and saw someone with a torch trying to open her cell gate.

"Who is it?" She asked sitting up straight.

"Hey~" she whispered.

"Are you a ghost?"

"No, I'm the second division president"

"Asura!" Mahiru called and the gate pop open "shhh you'll wake the guards up, now come on" she pulled Mahiru down and started running towards the field, the field gate was also open.

"What's going on?"

"Well guess what? Yuno is getting married and she highly requested that she wants you to attend her wedding no matter what!"

"You mean Sachiko Yuno?" Mahiru had a weird feeling the feeling that she touched one of her memeber in a very long time.


Mahiru saw her friends behind the metal fence 'they look different' she thought.

"Mahiru" kiko waved her hands high.

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