Chapter 50: The Engine Fire

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"Mahiru Mahiru....." Yuu called but she was cut off when her brother kicked her.

Mahiru slowly got up and scoffed "I didn't knew your brother was 5 years older then ya" she glared at the guy.

"So you must her new friends (to Yuu) how many times I told you not to make friends she'll end up dying like the last one" his brother added picking up a pipe.

"Mahiru get out of here" she yelled.

Her brother started walking towards Mahiru but she didn't know what to do, she didn't how to fight nor her reflex were good.

"Your better off dead too" her brother swing the pipe towards Mahiru, she closed her eyes covering her face ready to take the impact.

"Huh" the pipe was stoped when someone hold it.

"Don't hurt her" it was Asano, Mahiru was probably crying, Asano had a weird expression he was angry but Smiling with eyes widened (now we know where did Mahiru got her insane expression)

His brother yelp when Asano Grabbed him by his collar, Mahiru looked terrified but she didn't Asano to hurt anyone.

"Please Asano-kun let him go" Mahiru cried but Asano almost hit him, Mahiru hold his arm trying to stop him.

"Otosan" Mahiru cried causing Asano to stop he slowly put him down and went to Mahiru kneeling to match her height.

Her brother was in the hand of the police and Yuu and her sister was send to an orphanage and that was last time they met, Mahiru was barely 6 years old and she was friends with her for 2 years.


"Mahiru! Hey I'm so happy" she gaved a eye smile and went to hug Mahiru.

"Ah it's been so longg" she tackle Mahiru into a hug and almost fell backwards but managed to maintain balance.

"How dare you!" A vein pop on Hasegawa's forehead.

"Mahiru! I missed you so much" she cried.

Mahiru hit her softly on the head "dummy we met last year" she broke the hug, Hasegawa was standing there blank.

"Oh this is Soryu my old childhood friend and Yuu this is Hasegawa" Mahiru introduce them to eachother.

"This is the girl I told you about last year, the girl who's gonna join Kuroi Tenshi but she never showed up" she added.

"Heyy I was busy hiding" she said and put a arm over Mahiru neck.


"Yeah I was a fugitive for 2 years"

"Why?" Mahiru notice Hasegawa was getting annoyed.

"First let's go and get something to eat" she walk forward and both of them followed her.

"Yeahh I'm hungry" she followed.


"Wait you took revenge and killed your brother!!?"

"Shhhh your gonna get me in trouble, yeah actually I wasn't the one who kill him it was ryuko"

"What do you mean?"

"My sister since that day she changed and.... Ah forget it, let's talk about you what are you gonna do today?" She ask Mahiru.

"Well we're gonna go take revenge for Ayo-chan now come on it's getting late why don't you join us?" Mahiru asked standing up.



"Oakaresama des shachou" everyone yelled.

"Tonight we're going to get revenge for Matsuda and Tonight we're going end it once and for all"

"But what if we lose?" Akihiro asked.

Mahiru scoffed "Have we ever lost a fight?" He grin.

"But before we do this Akira-san do you wanna do this?"

"I-" he clenched her fist and looked down.

"I want to take revenge for my sister death!" Her voice went cold everyone else were surprised.

"So kyo and Hasegawa you two are coming with me" Mahiru was hiding behind a building they stayed close to Takemicchi and Senju the whole time.

"Is that?" A guy suddenly came running he was from rokuhara Tendai "lets go" Mahiru ran towards them.

-gun shot- but kyo kick the gun out of out of his hand, and suddenly Draken appeared from no where he took them down but they ran away.

"Draken is shot" Hasegawa mumbled.

Mahiru went to Draken and kneeled down, she cup his cheeks and smiled softly.

"Mahiru why do you always get yourself into trouble for Mikey" he cough out blood.

"I decided to escort him, don't worry I'll protect him with all my life take care of Emma" Mahiru said getting up her tears weren't visible in rain.

"I've called the ambulance" Omari stated, Later the ambulance came and took Draken's dead body.

"Mahiru I'm-" Takemicchi was cut off when Mahiru punched him and grab him by his coller.

"Do you have any idea what you have done!" she knew Mikey would lose control.

"Arghh great timing" the other 2 deities were also here, later suddenly Kantou Manji gang came and Mikey was just standing there.

"Akari do you wanna do this?" Mahiru asked Akari who had a terrified expression, she didn't replied.

"It's okay I'll do it" Mahiru said smiling.

Takeomi went running towards kakucho to punch him but Mahiru didn't want that to happen.

"Takeomi!!" Mahiru ran towards Takeomi and threw a punch on him, he blocked it but back down a bit.

Mahiru stood infront of kakucho "Are you okay kaku-chan?" She looking over her shoulder.

Kakucho eyes were widened he saw Izana in Mahiru presence, her short hair and the Tenjiku uniform except there eyes colour.

"You shouldn't get involved with the three deities!!" He yelled standing up.

"I am Not! stop yelling and look none of my members are fighting" Mahiru look over at her members and all of them fighting.

Hasegawa was dodging some guy's punch, Tanako was hitting a guy and Asura was swinging her pipe and hitting everyone who she sees.

"Ah that's not the point Where's Madarame?" Mahiru asked looking up at kakucho.

"Your better off dead too" Mahiru notice Mikey kicked Takeomi on his head and walking towards south.

Takemicchi came in between but Mikey broke his arm he yelled in pain.

"MIKEY!" Mahiru went to Mikey but he didn't stoped "what do you think your doing" she proclaimed.

Mikey raised his fist to hit Mahiru but kakucho came in between protecting Mahiru.

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