Chapter 8: Cemetery

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(18 June) I woke up at 8, I got out and make myself coffee, top of the morning (does not taste good) I washed my face and wore a black jacket which reaches till my thighs covering my ass.

I grab the bag which I packed last night and got out the door there was some savings on my bag

I got out the door walking towards the flower shop when I heard similar voices giggling I peek to see who it was

"Come on show me" a girl voice

"Okay here"

"Oh my god it's soo prettyy I love it"

I peek through the wall and saw Kei with a girl there was a box on her hand, her eyes were sparkling
"It's soo pretty"

"I guesss he has a girlfriend now" I whispered to myself and walk the other way

I reached the flower shop I started looking around I got confusing what to get.

"Can I help you with something" a guy approach it was the shop owner son

"Yes, I need to buy flowers for my dad" I said looking around

"Lilly are the best choice for a death of loved ones" he gesture me to follow him and I did

He showed me some flowers but it was too much so I roamed around with him in the entire store looking for the best flowers and finally I got it

"What about this?" I pointed at the white roses

"Great choice actually they are very pretty"

"Then I'll take this, and sorry for all the trouble I must have wasted a lot of your time"

"No its okay that's my job you don't have to apologise, I'll take those and I'll see you at the register" I nodded and waited for few min

"Um Mrs Asano your flowers" I took them and payed I thanked the owner son and went out

"I hope Asano would love these" I was walking down the street when something caught my eye it was a Baji with that same girl they went inside a cafe. I ignore them and made my way to the cemetery.

I was finally at the cemetery I unpacked all my stuff, I took out the picnic blanket but first I cleaned his grave it has been many weeks so it was a bit dirty, I sat down lighting a candle his fav scent and I put down the flowers near it as I sat down

"It's been a Long time, Asano-kun how have you been

"I'm good by the way" I Chuckled on my own words

"Anyways life is a bit dull without you
I made friends this past few months and I think I love him but Ig he doesn't feel the same since he already got a girlfriend"

I stretch out my arm laying back *yawn*

I took out a strawberry juice from my bag and drank it I kept talking to myself thinking Asano could hear somehow I didn't realise but I was there for almost 3 hours I bit farewell and went back to my place I left the candle and the flowers there.

I went back to my place and decided to do my assignment and study for a bit and rest while listening to music. Surprisingly I didn't met any of my friend Today

Sry for the short ch ('-﹏-')

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