Chapter 35: Izana

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Next day

I went for my shift it was a bit early cause I don't like staying late, we didn't have many coustomer but few.

I was cleaning the table there were many things going on in my heard who's this guy everyone keep talking about? What does he want from me? Should I talk to Mikey?

My thoughts got interrupted by the store bell.

"Wel-" I saw Mikey standing there.

"Welcome to Niboshi Ramen Nagi what would you like to order" I said smiling cause if I don't the old man won't pay me.

"A bowl of ramen please" he said smiling back.

"Okay" I turned around as my smile fade, he took a seat, I started making the ramen, I usually don't make the ramen but I was in training.

"I want to apologise for that day I shouldn't have said that and I didn't mean it, I'm sorry" he apologized and I slightly smiled, now it's confirm he didn't mean it.

"So will you still be my 'partner in crime'" he said jokingly.

I finished making the ramen I added a extra narutomaki and put it infront of him.

"Definately" I said smiling and he took out a chopsticks 'itadakimasu' he started eating and I cleaned the place.

"Do you trust me?" I asked, he look up while eating "yeab" he said in the middle of chewing.

"There's this guy in Tenjiku and he told me to come at -location- after my shift" I said while folding the cloth.

"A guy from Tenjiku?" He ask wiping his mouth.

"Yeah I don't know who he is but his gang members beat up my members and kidnapped me" I said filling a glass of water.

"Did they hurt you?"

"No that's what it's confusing me? Like they made me unconscious and took me to some place but there was no bruise on my body and they just left me there lying and they gaved me a uniform of Tenjiku" I said passing him the water and he took it.

"Maybe they want you to join Tenjiku" he said and got up.

"Thank you for the meal, here and I hope you do the right thing" he left the money on the counter and left.

"He didn't even pay enough" I sighed and put the rest of the money from my pocket and paid for him.

After my shift I went out wearing my jacket, January was cold so I brought my scarf.

I went to the location and no one was there, I just thought of waiting since I got out a little bit early from my shift, I put on my ear phone and started listening to some music. (Amatsuki -letter to me-)

I rest my hand on the railing it was a bridge but not my favorite place it was a bit far from where i live and the bridge was huge.

"Hey, you came" I heard someone's voice, I took off my earphones turning.

"Sashi-buri Mahiru-chan (it's been a while)" he said smiling.

I remember those eyes I was still holding a piece of my earphone, I widened my eyes but I didn't care even toh I dont know him I just went in for a hug.

"Arghhh" he Yelp cause I literally jump.

"I can't believe this, Is that really you!" I said with tears in my eyes.

"Mhm I'm kurokawa Izana by the way"

"How did you find me? And how did you know my name?" I asked helping him up.

"It wasn't much a problem when I grew up I went through the document that was in the orphanage and I thought you might need my help since you ran out alone"

"Then what does this uniform means?" I said showing him the paper bag.

"I want you to join Tenjiku and help me" he stated.

"Help you?"

"Yes, help me distroy toman" he replied in a cold voice.

I couldn't tell him that Mikey was my best friend and so was the people from his gang, he started telling me what happened and I couldn't say yes so I just told him I'll think about it.

We bid goodbye and I went back to my hideout I saw Takemicchi was already there.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to tell you something, Toman and Tenjiku are gonna have a fight soon"

"I know I just met Izana" I saw his eyes widened.

"Relax I have a plan, so Tenjiku and Toman will fight soo I'll join Tenjiku with Hasegawa my gang members can help you"

"I don't think Mikey will agreed to that"

"Relax he will and we'll see what happens"

Takemicchi went back to the meeting.

I told Izana im gonna join Tenjiku only in one condition if Hasegawa join with me and he said it's okay.

I told my memeber to be ready anytime cause of the sudden fight they were gonna have, and they agreed.

I was wearing a Tenjiku uniform it was long and pretty ngl, but it was weird for me to wear another uniform that wasn't mine.

I got a text from Takemicchi after few minutes of him gone

"I forgot to tell you Kisaki joined Tenjiku to use Izana for Mikey and we suspect that he's also a time leaper"

I sighed and put it back in my pocket 'what the fuck is wrong with that bitch why is he so obsessed with Mikey ya know I'm gonna kill him myself at this fight if he does anything wrong'.

"I don't get it, why do we keep getting involved in this problem with Toman!!" Hasegawa said holding the uniform I gaved her.

"It's not about getting involved it's about saving your friends for a better future"

"What better future, how do you know about future Can't they fight on there own plus their boys"

"Everybody can fight it's just a choice of whether you should"

"Ya know your a weird person I'll never get what your up to but I hope you know what your doing" Hasegawa said taking the uniform walking away.

"If you dont wanna join me then it's okay you don't have to come" I exclaim.

"Dumbass, I told you I'll follow you everywhere you go and that's a promise" she said as I watch her walking away.

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