Chapter 47: Ryu

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Mikey was sitting in the place where Mahiru always sits "let's talk" he said and his other gang members left them alone.

"Mahiru I-" Mikey was gonna say something but he noticed Mahiru was walking up to him with angry expression.

He thought Mahiru might slap him or hit him, he was some how ready to take the impact, he shut both his eyes.

Mahiru's raised both of her hand and cupped his cheeks, Mikey was Confused and shock.

"You've changed" she said softly and caressed it. "What's bothering you?"

"Mahiru" Mikey whispered as he hold her wrist, he slightly clench his teeth he was about to cry but he didn't.

"Oi can you see something" Haru said trying to peek but Hasegawa hit him on the head.

"Listen to President's order" she said and fold her arms leaning against the wall.

"But they might kiss" he said trying to peek again.

"I SAID STOP PEEKING!!?" Hasegawa got angry and kick him, he went flying towards the boxes.

Meanwhile Sanzu and Koko drop a sweat watching them, Hasegawa glaze at them causing them to get startled.

"How are you guys related to Mikey?"

Mahiru sat beside Mikey and took something out of her pocket and hand it to him "here your favourite" it was dorayaki.

"Nice place you got" he said in a cold voice taking it.

"Yeah it was a old garage or a basketball court, the owner said we can have it if we clean it" Mahiru Chuckled and opened the can.

"I want you to join Kantou Manji gang" he stated earning a grin from Mahiru.

"I knew you'd say that, let me tell you one thing" Mahiru got up and stretch her arms.

"The reason I created this gang was shinichiro-kun and the reason my dream was to rule Tokyo was Asano-kun" his eyes got widened when he heard shinichiro's name.

"When I was 7 I met shinichiro he was already in black dragon"

7 year old Mahiru was alone in the park cause all her friends has left, she was following a Butterfly but she trip and her knee were bleeding, she couldn't walk or do anything but cry.

"Hey what's wrong" a guy appear he helped Mahiru and gaved her piggyback ride.

"What's your name?" He asked Mahiru while walking.

"Asano Mahiru" she replied.

"Im shinichiro sano, wanna be friends" he said smiling.

Later they reached his bike store and he treated her wounded leg "Onii-san are you in a gang?" 7 year old Mahiru said looking at the picture of 4 people.

"Yeah it's black dragon, pretty cool huh"

"Mhm I want a gang too" Mahiru said cause she was just a kid.

"But your too young for it just wait couple of years and creat a gang like black dragon" he said and pat her head smiling. Later Asano came and took her.

"Mikey remember the first time we meet at middle school you asked do I know how to fight?"

"Yeah I do"

"I lied the reason I said yes was because I thought I've seen those eyes of yours then I remember you look like him and it turns out you were his brother" Mahiru look over from her shoulder and smiled.

"Black dragon means kuroi ryū and Kuroi Tenshi means black angles, he was the who inspired me and I wanted to follow you till the end" she was standing infornt of him, she took out her hand.

"So, what do you think let's be the biggest gang in Tokyo and create a new era of delinquent" Mikey smiled and shook her hand "Together".

Later Mikey went out the door with her members, Haru came inside running.

"Did he hurt you!!" He said holding Mahiru's both shoulder.

"The fuck!! Noo now let's go I have some things to do" Mahiru said but haru was Confused, he look at Hasegawa.

"Follow her" she gesture and he went behind Mahiru.

"Here hold these" she handed him many flowers, "what for?" He asked holding them.

"You'll know" Mahiru was walking towards the cemetery and haru was just following her without hasetating.

"Give me" Mahiru took one flower and placed it on the Asano grave, she joined her hand together and prayed.

She later walk up to another 3 grave , Emma, Izana, and Ayo Matsuda.

It was over but there was still one flower left "who's this for?" He asked holding it.

"She took the flower and placed it on a grave "tetta" haru was Confused why did she do it.

"Even if he was the bad guy he was still very young so rest in peace" she joined her hand, Mahiru felt someone's present behind her but she didn't do anything cause she knew who it was.(hanma)

"Let's go back" Mahiru and Haru were walking home, she was looking around and saw a store.

"Let's go in there" she walked up till the store and haru just followed her.

"Hmmm" she was thinking while looking around the jewelry section, Haru was just waiting.

She took a charm "this is cute" she showed it to haru smiling.


"Yeah Nana's birthday is near and I don't know what to get her since she gaved me this keychain on mine" Mahiru took out her bike key and showed him the keychain with a panda.

"Yeah she might like it" he replied, Mahiru brought the keychain, Later they went out the store walking together

"No it's okay she'll be back" she heard the kawata siblings talking.

"What's wrong?" She asked standing with them.

"N-nana chan is gone she left to study" angry cried.

"What!!?" Mahiru was Confused she thought it might be a joke or some prank.

"It's true she's going to Paris, she got selected" Smiley replied.

"That can't be true, can you tell me what station is it"

"Yeah it leaves in 20min in -location-, wait she didn't tell you!?" Smiley was also shocked that Mahiru didn't knew Nana was leaving.

To be continue after my final exam in April tab tak ke liye keep thinking what will happen<3

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