Chapter 3: Prince Charming

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*Alarm ringing*

I reached out to turn it off when I noticed i was late for school again 'shit-' I got up wore my uniform but it wasn't property tuck in but I didn't care I locked the door and ran out.

School was almost 20min away I ran and reached in 10min I got there on time thank god ,on my way I saw a girl with blonde hair standing with bunch of people she looked back but I was running fast I didn't have time to react

When I reached the school gate was already closed I panicked how to get in cuz if I start missing my classes I might not be able to attend my exam,, I found a way in, it was at the back of the school there was a big wall I thought of climbing it but it was too high to reach, I started jumping I thought only if I get my hands on that edge I'll be able to pull myself up *jump jump* my body went cold with I felt a pair of hands on my waist lifting me up.

I reached the edge I hold it and pulled myself up when I looked down to see who it was, but he already left all I could see was his back I tilled my head in confusion "woah he's got blonde and blue mix hair I gotta try that" *bell ring* 'shit-'
I got down and ran to my classroom but unfortunately I was late the teacher scoled me for being late and I promise not to do it again then went to my seat

I was daydreaming about what happened who was that guy anyway
Class got over, it was lunch break I went to yuzuha we went to buy snacks in the school canteen I told yuzuha wht happened.

"WHATT!! he hold your waist?" She yelled.

"Shhhhhh keep it down are you trying to tell the whole school"

"Dang, you just met your Prince charming" she tease and smirked.

"Dang, you just met your Prince charming" she tease and smirked

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We were eating lunch when Hasegawa came and joined us she said she has some news and we decided to call a meeting only between the founder member and division captain

-Time skip-

We went home together and went our separate ways I got home and changed my clothes but I was still wearing my kuroi tenshi varsity jacket on top of my normal clothes.

I had some time to spare since we decided to meet around 5

3rd pov

Mahiru got out of the house to roam around and enjoy the quiteness,
She was walking on the side way towards Hasegawa's house when she bump into someone

"Im so sorry" she bow and looked up
It was the girl she met running.
"Ah its ok" she smiled and went the other way it's almost as if she doesn't care, Mahiru shrugged off and went her way...

When she reached Hasegawa's house she saw her outside standing, Mahiru went to her.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" She looked up

"Oh hey my parents are fighting so I ran out I didn't wanna hear them arguing"

They later went to convenience store Mahiru brought something to drink and Hasegawa brought some chocolate, since it was a little early to the meeting
They roamed around and talked about there everyday life and Kuroi tenshi

When it was already 4:50 they decided to go now cuz the other members were also gonna be there already

They walked till there it was already night. Mahiru never thought she'll meet him again but yet she did-


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