Chapter 70: Endlessly

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It's been few weeks from our vacation at Osaka, I haven't heard from Baji in a long time, then why do I want him so bad.

The urge to meet him again, to feel his kiss against my lips why is this happening, why do I want him so bad, my thoughts were interrupted by the phone ring.

"Hey, good news" it was Nana.

"And what's that?" I waited patiently but she sounded too excited.

"Im engaged!! Ahhhhh" she started screaming and I screamed with her in excitement.

"Im so happy for you, is it kazutora?"

"Well duhh haha. Anyways we're gonna have an engagement party at Baji's penthouse" she invited me to the same place, I was excited for her but more excited to see kei.

After 2 month, september 25

We reached the same penthouse we spent our weekend at, it was decorated with light and flowers, many gifts were on the table for the couple.

"Congratulations" I went and hug them giving my gift, it was matching bracelet in a box.

"It's so pretty" she hugged me again, the party was big, all the people we know we're present, chifuyu freaked out seeing Baji.

I saw Mikey was with Yuriko, she hold Mikey tightly by his arm 'they seem happy'. Draken and Hasegawa were also hitting it off, they were seen to spend a lot of time together.

Nana was married, and Takemicchi was engaged to Hina, chifuyu was happy at his job many girls who comes by would ask for his number.

"Am I the only one I don't think I can keep this going" I excuse myself and went somewhere far (not that far) to avoid the crowd, I was already half drunk.

'What's so great about him, shouldn't I be over him by now, walking around showing his fangs! Ughh" I tried to think negative towards him to start Hating him but it didn't work.

I was finally out, I lay down on the green grass carpet not that far from the ocean, looking at the sky full with stars

3rd pov

After few hours spending time thinking what to do, the party was almost over and many people had left.

"Pretty stars" Mahiru raised her hand tracing the stars.

"Hey I thought you'd be there" Baji suddenly came out of nowhere and he was holding few drinks of can.

"Come" Mahiru tap the space beside her, and kei joined her, the wind was cold and relaxing.

"Here" he handed her a can of alcohol and she took it, later we know both of them were drunk and talking shit.

"Yeah do you remember when I hold a guy's hand side by side and you started hitting him on his stomach" she laugh, "yeah yeah that was epic" Baji drank his can.

"Ahh I miss those days" Mahiru lay on the ground again "yeah me too" Baji layed beside her.

"What if everything had worked out for us and we be getting married now" Keisuke stated.

"Yeah we'll make a hell of a couple" Mahiru said proudly.

"It's been so long we know eachother maybe we should do it?"

"Yeah let's" Mahiru replied, Baji took the can tap and pit it on Mahiru's ring finger, it fit half way.

"Awww oh wait its a wedding let's dance" Mahiru took out Baji hand and got him up.

"Without music?"

"Who needs music when there's already million songs playing on my head" she put Baji's hand on her waist and moved to the music playing on her mind.

Endlessly; ♡︎[ Tokyo Revengers x Oc ]♡︎Where stories live. Discover now