Chapter 49: Meet Again....

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Mahiru got at the convenience store and saw baji and Mikey coming her way.

"Hey what are you doing here?" Mikey asked.

"Came to get some food, what happened to your face Baji-san?"

"Ah just some scratch" he said smiling, both of them followed her inside.

"Can I help you children?" An ugly looking old guy came rubbing his hand together.

"No thank you" Mahiru said but the guy kept following them.

"Ahh your such a pretty girl what's your name" the pervert old guy asked taking Mahiru's hand and rubs it's back.

Mikey and baji got angry by his disgusting behaviour.

"Im Mahiru" she said smiling and squished his hand tightly making him yelp.

"Daijobu deska?" Mahiru asked grinning, and the old man left without saying other word.

"Dang that was cool" Baji said laughing and help Mahiru but Mikey was busy choosing an ice cream flavour.

"Mikey let's go" Mahiru called waiting for Mikey at the door of the convenience store.

"Coming" he said and came running with a bunch of ice cream in his hand.

"Who's gonna pay for that!!" Baji asked wrathfully.

"Umm you" he said smiling.

"I don't have that much money!!"

"I'll pay" Mahiru said calming Baji down.

"Mahiru you don't have too"

"It's okay" she took out Money and payed for it, it didn't cost much but she could Managed.

Mahiru and baji were walking behind Mikey and Mikey was running cause he was scared all the ice cream might melt.

"Come quick" he said as he ran, Mahiru and Baji were talking about some stuff.

"Where the hell have you been" Draken said getting up from where he was sitting, under the umbrella.

"Yeahh we got snacks" Mahiru went to them, Baji was watching them standing not that far from the place.

"I know you like ruru-chan" Baji got startled by the creepy voice behind him.

"What!! Nooo" light blush was visible on his cheeks.

"Huh Its okay y'know she's a keeper" Nana stood beside Baji putting both her hand behind.

"Mhm" Baji replied and Nana went to Mahiru asking for a meat that they were roasting, Emma was also there.


"Keisuke you don't have to do this, I know you want to see her just go" Mrs Baji said to his son who was busy making a file.

"Mom I wanna see her too but right now that's not important, now let me work" he replies and continues typing

"And it's been 5 years" he added.

"Mahiru we have a problem" Hasegawa opened the door and saw Mahiru with scissors.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!" she snap the scissors of her hands.

"Oh come on, let me cut I can't fight with long hair" she whine, her hair was white and long.

"Fine let me do it" she stood behind Mahiru "so what's the problem?" Mahiru asked.

"Rokuhara Tendai is planning to kill Takemicchi during this fastival night" she started to cut her hair, Hasegawa was the one who has been cutting Mahiru's hair.

"That's tonight"

"Okay then we have to take revenge for Ayo-chan and end this soon" Mahiru said getting up cause Hasegawa was done.

"Kay then gathere everyone else"

"Mahiru!!" Someone called yelling, Hasegawa and Mahiru look at eachother confused.

"Um yess?" She walked out the door and saw.....

--- Asuka Soryu----
Alias: Yuu
has long, blonde hair, though it is messier and her bangs often fall over her right eye and she is always seen wearing a white medical mask.

"Yuu?" Mahiru eyes were widened.

"Who's she?" Hasegawa asked.


"Hey!" A girl appear from the tree her leg was hooked on the branches and she was swinging down.

"You might fall" Mahiru replied looking up at her.

"Why are you here and not with the other kids?" Yuu asked.

"I don't get along with them" Mahiru hugged her knees together.

"Huh? -falls- arghhh ouch, then wanna play with me" The girl asked Mahiru and put out her hand to shake.

She took it "I'm Asuka Soryu" she smiled.

"Im Mahiru" Mahiru replied earning a questionable look.

"Your only Mahiru? Got any last name?"

She shook her head "are ya adopted?"

Mahiru took a long "I", Yuu gaved a smile and pat Mahiru shoulder.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna judge ya I'm adopted myself" she had the brightest smile.

"So, you mean your brother is raising you and your younger sister?" Mahiru asked taking a bite of a melon bun.

"Mhm but....." She swallow.

"He ain't that nice" she look down.

"Mahiru does your dad loves you?"

"Umm yeah I guess he took me when I was alone and homeless" Mahiru replied.

"Lucky, I wish I was adopted by someone" Yuu still had her smile.


"Yuu-chan you didn't came to school today-" Mahiru paused and eyes widened when she saw her mouth was bleeding, Yuu's hand was on her mouth covering.

"Mahiru!!" she said in between.

"Who the hell are you" his brother turned to Mahiru, she had a shocked expression.

"Onii-chan Im scared" Yuu sister hold her arm and hides.

"What the hell-" she was cut off when her brother punched Mahiru.

She fell down, she couldn't hear anything but her name being call again and again........

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