Chapter 61: Long-term

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I still wore the clothes, I didn't wanna go Naked, but suddenly kakucho came back giving me his clothes which was a hella oversized which covers till my knees.

"I'll be waiting on the car" with that he left and I also got ready and sat on the car with him, we stopped at store and picked out some new clothes.

"I like this" I picked some basic clothes, a t-shirt with jacket and some pants.

"Okay then let's get going it's almost 2" we drove to my house and everything seem normal as I left it, but there were still few changes, new paint and some more plants grew on the side walk.

"Go ahead" kakucho waited for me to open the door.

"Man something is really wrong with you today" I opened the door and everyone screamed 'SURPRISE'

"Oh shit, what's all this?" I asked looking around and all my friends were there except Takemicchi, Draken, Mikey, Mitsuya and nana and few people.

"Happy release day!" Kiko screamed which made me chuckle.

"Guys this wasn't necessary!" I said and went to hug them all.

"Here" Hasegawa handed me a box "open it" she said and I did, it was new clothes, most of the present I got was either new clothes or something important.

"Mahiru here this is from me" suddenly Inupi came and handed me a small box.

"Thank you" I took it and opened, I froze when I did "where did you get this?" I said cause it was the necklace I lost many years ago, Baji's butterfly chain and Izana's ring.

"Im sorry but I had that a long time ago but I didn't gaved it you when I had the chance.

"Thank you" I said smiling.

"Hey Mahiru I think you should see  Haru too" Hasegawa suggest and I agreed.

The next day I decided to eat lunch at my old part time which I think has been a bit modern then before.

I pushed the door open and the bell rings.

"Welcome to Niboshi Ramen nagi" I heard Haru's but he didn't turn cause he was so busy cleaning the place.

"What would you like to order?" He asked  still not looking back, busy wiping the table and the plates.

"Can I have" I look through the menu, it was new but my 'Mahiru special' was still on the menu. "Can I have Mahiru's special"

I noticed Haru stoped halfway and answered "I'm sorry but that's not available at this moment-" he suddenly turned and saw me sitting.

"Hey~" I said smiling.

"Mahiru" he whispered and got out the counter and hugged.

"Hey how have you been, when did you got out?" He said not breaking the hug.

"I- okay your crushing me" I said in between.

"Sorry sorry" he let go, we talk a lot and he kept asking me questions about how I spent my days in the juvie.

After that "Yeah I'll see you later" I waved him bye and thought of visiting Mikey and Draken.

I started driving till there house, when I reached no one answered the door and there phone was also off.

I went back to my place and asked them about Mikey and Draken but they haven't seen them either.

"Something is wrong" I started thinking what happened to them.

"Well I called Inupi-kun and he said he haven't seen Draken for like a month.

"Let's go tomorrow and ask around why don't you rest for today" Hasegawa stated and I agreed.

-next Day-

"Let's go!" Hasegawa thought of driving and I let her, we reached many places and asked around but none of them has seen Draken and Mikey nor Takemicchi.

"Will you chill, they're adults now I bet there fine, here drink" Hasegawa handed me a strawberry drink from the vending machine.

"MAHIRU! MAHIRU!" I heard someone calling from afar, I saw Hina running towards me.

"What's wrong?" I asked worried and told Hasegawa to get her some water to drink.

"It's about Takemicchi-kun ! And Mikey-kun and Draken-kun!" She said catching her breath.

"What happened to them?" I asked sitting her down.

"Well, Takemicchi said he's going to Okayama to get information and Draken-kun and Mikey-kun agreed to go with him, and it's been a month they haven't returned" she said crying covering her mouth.

"Okayama!" I said in anger.

"What's in Okayama?" Hasegawa asked worried.

"Wait here!" I got up and went to Ojisan store and force opened the door.

"Oh Mahiru-chan wel-" I cut him by yelling "Did you told Takemicchi about Okayama and Asano-kun!"

"Yes he came to take information and I told him" he sound upset.

"I told you not to do tell anyone! How could you just tell them and now there're stuck there they aren't coming back" I started yelling more like in a worried tone.

"Im so sorry I didn't thought they might go to Okayama" now the Ojisan was worried.

"Ughh...." I left the store and went back to Hasegawa and Hina.

"Take Hina home and come back as soon as possible" she nodded and drove to drop Hina.

When I ran back home I immediately packed my bags and book a train ticket to Okayama.

"Mahiru, what happened?" Hasegawa came back asking.

"We have to save Mikey and others" I said and continue my packing.

"But why, will you tell me what's in Okayama!"

"Well----i told Hasegawa about the whole Asano thing and what they were like----"

"Yeah one of the reason why I don't visit my own so-called family"

"So they have Mikey and others as hostage?" I nodded in response.

"We have a ticket for tomorrow and I've informed everyone, we have to put an end to this"

"Im with you no matter what!" Hasegawa said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Okay then let's do this, I'm so excited we get to kick ass together after a long time" Hasegawa started punching in the Air.

"Okay enough and pack everything you need!" I said and she stopped.

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