Chapter 16: Memories/Meeting

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Next morning

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Next morning

Mahiru woke up and went to the bathroom she saw kita was making breakfast she released she still had Baji's Toman jacket she thought of washing it since he don't wash it, after putting it in the washing machine along with some other clothes, she brushed her teeth and went to eat breakfast but she still didn't wanna talk about what happened last night to kita.

"Mahiru?" He called but she didn't answer Mahiru Looking down Eating her bread.

"Hm I get the feeling you don't wanna talk but I have to go and visit one of my old friend and I'll be back after 2 hour smt"

She hummed as he took off his apron and wore his Jacket fixing his hair and left.

Mahiru sighed and cleaned the table ready to do nothing when she heard someone knocking oh the door, she went to open it but trip and fell she hit her head on the wall.

"Arggg ouch!! Wait coming" she open the door putting her palm on her forehead.

"Oh nana-chan what are you doing here"

"Im here to give you company" she hold the plastic bag up showing her and gaved a cute smile, she smiled back and told her to come in.

She came in it was nice talking and being with her since she's the complete opposite, maybe that's why they get along.

"Have you heard anything from yuzu-chan?"

"No, I haven't I don't even know how is she" she replied looking at the strawberry juice nana gaved her.

"Oh I see, cheer up I bet she's fine we'll go someday to visit her" she said giving her some more snacks.

They were talking and having a good time when suddenly someone knocked on the door. She went to open it and it was Baji.

"Oh hey what's up?"

"I remember you have my toman jacket and Mikey called a meeting tomorrow afternoon and I have to wash it"

"Oh actually I already washed it and it's in the dryer"

"O-okay then" he started looking around maybe he was hesitating.

"Why don't you come in until it's dry nana is also here"

"Hoi" nana said putting up her hand
"Baji-san what are you doing here, oh should I leave" nana said smirking.
While Mahiru gaved her a death glare.

"Im here for-" he was cut off when.

"He's here to hang out with us" Mahiru smiling at Baji.
"Come sit for and while hang out with us"

Baji sat on the couch talking to nana greeting eachother while Mahiru made a bowl of chips and put it infront of the tv table where baji and nana were talking. Actually they were quite.

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