Chapter 7: Meeting

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It's been already 1 week (June 17th)
There's only 1 week left for kuroi tenshi and Maruhanabachi to clash, Mahiru called a meeting since it's been 2 years Maruhanabachi had many members then before.


Hasegawa came to pick her up they went to the shrine almost everyone was there she went up the stares and turns she could see everyone was standing there and at the front was the founder members and the division captain.

Everyone yelled

"We're gathered here to talk about Maruhanabachi, If both of us clashes it will be a big dispute"

"Now then, I want to hear what you all think"
Asura was at front with the other members

"What will you do Asura-chan! Do you wanna do it?" Mahiru kneel down where Asura was standing, down the stairs to match height

"It will cause trouble for everyone" Asura looked down eyes widen.

"That's not what I asked, do you want to do it?"

Asura tried so hard not to cry but she was flustered

"That's what i thought" she got up

"Anyone here think's it's too much hassle to help out Asura's friend. Anyone here stays chilled even though Maruhanabachi beat up one of our founder member. Surely you're not right!?"

"HAIIII!!!" Everyone yelled

Mahiru smirked "We're gonna crush Maruhanabachi"

Everyone yelled on agreement

"On June 25 we're going for a battle"

They ended the meeting only the founder members were left
"Are you sure about this?" Hasegawa asked

"I mean they are 2 genaration older then us" Kiko added

Mahiru looked down "sure they are 2 gen older then us but remember what happened last time, they outnumbered us with 50 memeber but we still won maybe this time too"

Kiko stood up "anyways I gotta get going I made a deal of 35 thousands yen to a guy" she chuckled

"She never changes I bet how many money she has right now"

"Anyways let's get going I'm hungry haven't eaten all day" Mahiru said getting up "Asura wanna join?"

Asura didn't replied leaving mahiru confused "um Asura-chan!?" She suddenly tear up "Mahiru Thank you, for everything and I'm sorry I was no use"

Mahiru widened her eyes, she went near Asura and hugged her
"Dont say that it wasn't your fault we'll crush Maruhanabachi" she gaved a eye smile

Hasegawa and Mahiru went the other way, while Asura went to check Omari, they decided to buy snacks from convenience Store

-Mahiru pov-

I brought some snacks with Hasegawa we decided to go to my house and hang out .While we were walking towards my house I saw kei, I almost called him but I noticed he was holding some shopping bags "That couldn't be his, right?" I asked Hasegawa she shrugged, then I notice he was walking with a girl she had long black hair I again fell a sharp pain on my stomach.

"Let's go!!" I dragged Hasegawa on the alley "um why are we hiding?"
"I don't know shhhh" I peek through the wall, they were laughing and smiling.

"You know what lets go home". I got up and went out Hasegawa followed me,  when we reached home I put my dinner down since I don't really know how to cook all I eat is take out food or ramen.

"Oi Mahiru" I hummed in response.

"How long have you known Baji-san"

"It was before I met Mikey but for him it was after I met Mikey".  I replied making ramen.

"what do you mean?"

"When I was a freshman, Chifuyu would fight with anyone he sees and he was kinda famous and everyone fears him , so one day I saw he was in trouble I almost help him even toh I didn't know how to fight, but there was this guy who help him instead I heard Chifuyu calling him 'point dexter' I was kinda confused cause it was a weird name, I saw him transform into this cool long hair dude I was kinda amazed, then he said he's Tokyo Manji Baji keisuke, I didn't talk to him nor I did anything I just left then I met Mikey, Mikey introduce him to me and I kinda wanna be close to him since he was cool
I was only 8-ish we would act a play since I request him all the time and his mother also loved me he would always be my husband or my bodyguard ' I'll protect you from these pirates' was his signature line" I giggled at my own words and put the ramen on the table

"So did you talk to him when you met him at the shrine?"

"No I don't why but I just couldn't it was hard ig" I slurp

We talked for a bit it was mostly about how to settle things with Maruhanabachi and other stuff, we were laughing alot I kinda missed spending time with her she was like  friend I never had.

She went home after talking and laughing we waved goodbye and I also went back inside I checked my callander thinking only 1 week left then I remembered I have to visit Asano Tomorrow I packed my stuff for tomorrow since tomorrow was Saturday, I packed some notebook it was actually my diary and some juice and a picnic blanket.

I stretch for a bit after packing and went to my room ."End of the day yet I'm still alone again"

I was lying on my bed I saw Yuzuha yesterday but I didn't talk to her she went back home really quick she had some bandages on her face and leg I'm so worried about her I don't want anything to happen to her.

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