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"What? Small hands?"

"Im infront of me, how is this possible!!"

"Im infront of me, how is this possible!!"

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"Nana-chan you brought books from the library again" Mahiru proclaimed as she saw a bundle of book infront of her.

"Yeah just few" she smiled as a sweat drop on her forehead.

"Few? You got like 10!"

"Yeah yeah I know, now go beat up some guys I have books to read" she said and excitedly sat on the chair opening a book.

"Fine, but don't stay up too late I'll be back in few hours" Mahiru grab her jacket and left.

"Woah this is interesting" Nana was deep into reading She didn't realise the book shining besides her.

"Im back" Mahiru came back, she had bruise on her face "I'm tired~" she let out a low grow and walk towards the couch to take a rest but she trip on something.

"What the-" a bright light beam struck across the room, it was too bright to see a thing.

"What's going on?" Mahiru rub her head but her hair was very silky and soft.

"Im infront of me?" Nana thought but her body were sore, she looked at her hands, it was long and fill with bruise.

"Small hands?" Mahiru looked at hers.


"Ruru-chan!!" They both screamed realising they had switched bodies.

"Damn I feel so tall and strong" Nana got up in Mahiru's body, she was tall but her body aches.

"Im so short! How did this happen!" Mahiru yelled in Nana's body but it came out as a soft voice.

"Well actually" Nana drop a sweat and told her what happened.

"The book I brought from the library was actually magical, and when you trip, you fell on top of me and it somehow activated and switch our bodies, sorry" her hand was on the back of her head and her one hand was doing a half sorry.

"How am I suppose to live with this!? I have a gang fight tomorrow" Mahiru was angry but seem cute since she was in Nana's body, she was pouting.

"You look cute tho"

"I am you"

"I know" she saw her smiling with no worries

"Im gonna go and take a bath, I smell like sweat and dirt" she went hopping towards the bathroom, Mahiru was anxious how to get her body back.

"AHHHH OH, MY GOD!" Nana suddenly screamed at the bathroom, Mahiru rush there to see what happened "what happened? Are you okay?"

"I can reach the top shelf" she said excitedly, Mahiru only sigh and went back.

Endlessly; ♡︎[ Tokyo Revengers x Oc ]♡︎Where stories live. Discover now