Chapter 11: The Final Fight

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It was finally the day we've been waiting for.....

Kuroi tenshi vs Maruhanabachi The Final Fight

We enter the ground, the ground was located behind a abandon school

We were all wearing our gang uniform there was a girl with long black hair standing "I'll be your referee" she was standing in between me and sakura I couldn't really tell who outnumbered who cuz they were a lot and we were too

3rd pov

Mahiru and sakura were standing in front, looking at eachothers eyes

"Kuroi tenshi vs Maruhanabachi final fight" the referee proclaimed

"Kuroi tenshi let's do this!!" Mahiru proclaimed so did everyone they ran towards eachother and the fight had already begun.

Mahiru and sakura were fighting eachother and other had also begun
Sakura kicked Mahiru but she managed to blocked it,, Mahiru hold her leg and threw her like she did with Mikey

She came running throwing a punch on her, Mahiru hold her hand and kick her on the stomach, sakura was kneeling down holding her abdomen.

"Im gonna win this fight for Ayako" Mahiru ran towards sakura and punched her she was finally down and Mahiru couldn't miss this chance she started punching her like a she was a punching bag untill.

Someone hit Mahiru on her head with a pipe, "soucho!!" One of the member proclaimed and run towards Mahiru, but one of Maruhanabachi members had stoped her.

Mahiru tried to get up while holding her head where it was bleeding, the blood was dripping from her head and face she noticed it was katsuki (the girl who killed Ayako)

"Temé" suddenly all the flashback with Ayako how she killed her flashback on Mahiru's head. She was angry and pissed she ran towards katsuki but Sakura hit her,, blocking her from getting further "If you wanna fight her first fight me" sakura said. And started walking towards Mahiru.

She could do anything but use herself so that Mahiru couldn't get till katsuki

"Hasegawa!" Hasegawa was few feet away from her she looked at her and nod, Hasegawa came running hitting the girl who were blocking her way, Hasegawa got infront of Mahiru and took sakura on a fight

-Before the fight-

"We all know that Sakura would do anything to block katsuki" they all agreed
"So this is what we are gonna do!
Hasegawa if Sakura comes on my way from hitting katsuki I want you to take her and do anything so that she would be able to block katsuki" she nodded "I'll try my best"

She grin at Hasegawa, she had took Sakura and distracted her from getting in between as plan.

"So I guess this ends now" Mahiru cracked her knuckles and walk towards katsuki.
"All this year I tried to track you down but you were no where to be found" she punch katsuki in her face making her fall

Mahiru kinda lost it she didn't stoped punching her. Hasegawa had already stoped distracting Sakura, but she doesn't want Mahiru to beat her to death everyone who were present on that ground stoped except Mahiru, she was sad and angry to what happened to Ayako.

"Mahiru that's enough" The so-called refree proclaimed holding Mahiru's arms to stop her,
"You wanna die too" Mahiru holds her neck she could barely breathe

"Mahiru-chan- Mahiru-chan" (in Ayako voice)

Mahiru came back to life and noticed Hasegawa was calling her
"Mahiru let her go!" Hasegawa proclaimed from afar. At that moment Mahiru stoped and relised she has gone too far, she let go of the so-called refree and got up, the referee was touching her neck.

Mahiru got up and looked at katsuki her one eye was open and other was closed her face was full of blood from her nose and mouth.

"Our president had defeated your president, kuroi tenshi takes the victory
Everyone retreat!!" Hasegawa proclaimed while everyone was confused what to do, they look at each other, "Maruhanabachi retreat!" Sakura finally told them to retreat

Mahiru was still standing there looking down at her hand it was full with blood her knuckles and fingers, Hasegawa went to Mahiru and put a hand on Mahiru's shoulder "we won lets go"

"Only if I could protect her that day!" Mahiru said tears streaming down from her eyes she put her hand on her chest and cried, sakura went to katsuki to help her up, katsuki look at Mahiru.

"Im so sorry for your loss I truly regret it" she apologized and bow down "I'm sorry"
Mahiru looked at her and turn her back and walk away Hasegawa did the same but she looked back at katsuki and smiled and nod gesture her "its okay"

They ended the fight between the two gang, Mahiru was very upset with what happened she didn't went home but she went to the bridge,

Mahiru put her hand on the railing and look down at the water "Asano-kun I don't know what to do, you told me to take this gang with you but I don't want to lose anyone anymore" she burry her face on her sleeve. Her face was still with bruise and blood

Suddenly something pop on her mind she climbed the railing and jump on the water.

Baji pov
I was walking home my mom told me to go grocery shopping there was a plastic bag in my hand, I saw Mahiru was on the bridge her clothes were dirty then I remembered she has a fight today maybe that's where she came from. I was reading what's she was doing when suddenly she climbed the railing and jump, I put my grocery down and ran towards her.

Back to Mahiru
Mahiru jumped from the bridge she was on the water "if I die now I won't have to suffer anymore" she just relaxed on the water her whole body was inside, "I'm coming Asano-kun" she closed her eyes ready to die, when suddenly she was some pair of hands reaching out to her she was confused who TF is that.

Mahiru widened her eyes when she noticed it was baji. Baji reached out his hand and hold Mahiru's hand he pull her towards him he hugged her underwater went up the water pulling her.

Both of them got out the water Mahiru was coughing water out. Baji stood up and look down at her.

"What were you thinking!" He sounded angry.
"I don't know I thought I was better off dead like I did that day!" Mahiru clenched her fist on the grass.

"And why do you care" dammit what type of question is that
Baji didn't answer for few seconds

"didn't think so" Mahiru got up her clothes were wet and most of the blood on her face was washed up. She was crying but we can't really tell, her hair was wet and so was her face.

She started walking home Baji just stood there. On her way she met nana going home
"Ruru-chan what happened why are you drenched?" Nana came running towards Mahiru
"Oh I um I just I was walking when this lady just threw water on me" she fake chuckles

"Here" Nana gaved Mahiru a handkerchief she gladly took it and wipe her face "Thank you Nana-chan"

Mahiru decided to drop nana till her house they talked a lot, she waved her goodbye and went home.

Mahiru put her clothes to wash them she took a warm bath and lay on her bed.
"Today was tiring" she took a deep breath and eventually she went to sleep.


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