Chapter 9: late Night

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Mahiru woke up suddenly in the middle of the night. she checked her phone it was 2 in the morning she couldn't go back to sleep so she thought of getting up and go for a walk (June 20)

she was walking down the street few stores were still open she walked inside the shopkeeper greeted, she knows him for many years

"Hey What are you doing here so late " the Ojisan asked

"Ojisan, sry to bother you but I need something to drink"

"Oh- Here strawberry juice" the grandpa handed her

*Eyes sparkle*

"Ah You remembered"

"Ofc Asano-kun would always buy these for you"
Mahiru took the drink she stoped when ojisan said this, she pays and thanks him.

She walked out the door but before she could go anywhere else
Ojisan called her and gaved her a plastic bag with some snacks and ramen, peyoung yakisoba, and some more juice
She declined but grandpa insisted so she had to take it

She thanked the Ojisan and walked somewhere around the city while she was walking she saw Someone with a longhair carrying a bottle of something

"Oi" she called and he turned around, it was no other than Baji carrying a bottle of

keresene i wonder what's he up to

"Where are you going this late" she asked Baji tilling her head

"I gonna do something more like burn it wanna Join?" Baji said showing his canine teeth

"Umm sure why not"

she followed him somewhere He stoped and opened the lid and started to pour the kerosene on the car

Mahiru was confused why is he doing this
"BTW why are you doing this " she asked "cuz I'm hungry but there is nothing left on the kitchen and I got no money" He stoped and took out a match box.

Mahiru was scared it might explode.
"I don't think you should be standing on that"

"Ha?? On Yes I might burn myself. "He chuckled and got off it was dark everywhere and

''if he light this we might get caught" was all she could think

Baji lighted the match and threw it on the car, it flamed up the whole place it was actually warm Mahiru was still holding the plastic bag and Baji got all dirty cuz of the hardwork he did.

He later picked up the empty bottle and threw it some where near the burning car.

"So Mahiru-chan what were you doing out here so late" She didn't respond she was just starring at the burning car

-Memories falshback in Mahiru's mind-

"Mahiru" Sato called she hummed in response.

"Asano requested me to give you this if anything like this happens" she took it and went to her room the funeral program was already over,she sat on her bed and read the letter.

"Mahiru I know I'm not your real father but I want you to take this name and this gang with you and be the top Delinquent in Tokyo that was my last wish but it looks like I couldn't achieve it, I just want you to know that I love you and you'll always be my daughter and there is another 'Asano' I hope you'll find them or meet them soon"
""And some other memories with Asano flashback""

-Flashback Over-

Without noticing Mahiru was already shedding tears

"Mahiru-chan what happened" Baji panicked

She wiped her tears "ah its nothing, I have extra peyoung yakisoba, are you hungry?"
Baji noded and they went to Mahiru's place since it was near than Baji's place

They entered the house, it was a small appartment but clean.

Mahiru pov

I entered my apartment, Baji followed me inside
"Make yourself at home" I said and put the bag on the counter. I hasitated to talk since he already has a girlfriend I clear my throat "So, how have you been?" I Strike up a conversation.

"I've been fine as always" he seemed worried.

"So how's it going with your girlfriend"

"Ha?" He seem confused "My girlfriend?"

"Yeah, that girl you've been hanging out or going shopping with?"

"Hm looks like you've me watching me lately"

"What n-no I just happened to see you guys together" I pour the water

"Actually she's not my girlfriend-" I felt relieved "but I do have someone I like-" dammit

"What do you mean she's not your girlfriend?"

"She's my cousin she just moved from another city I was only showing her around and helping her shopping, why you jel-" I cut him off by throwing a juice, gladly he caught it

"It's nothing like that" I turned around and continue.

"But there's someone I like"

Couldn't care less I mean I Always feel this sharp pain on my stomach so I just drop it off but I still want to ask who he like.

"So, who's this lucky girl" I asked continuing my stuff, but he didn't replied he was silent for few sec I got confused and turned around

When I turned he was only 5 cm away I blushed. 

"Um... Kei-kun?" He got closer and closer but I leaned back, we stare into eachothers eyes but I had to broke the silence. "The noodles are ready" he stops and got back to where he was sitting. And I also had finished making peyoung yakisoba

"Here" I put it on the table
"Um don't you think you should wash up first" he looked at his clothes "yeah I guess, can I get some clothes?"

"Sure" I went to Asano's room, and later came back with his clothes "here" I gaved him and he to the bathroom Leaving his toman uniform on the laundry. I waited for few min

He came back tieing his hair up
We ate the noodles and talked for a bit it was kinda fun after talking to him like this, it felt like I was in middle school again, later we bit farewell and he went home

I went back to my room and strech my arms "Today was fun"

Might be cringeeeeeee lmaooo

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