Chapter 41: You're Fired!

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Mahiru decided to go to the Hideout after a long time she was wearing her uniform the Kuroi Tenshi Jacket.

"President? How have you been we thought you ditch us" Asura said holding Mahiru's both shoulder "and what happened to your eye?"

"Im fine I was just busy" she said and went at the front "I have an announcement" she clim the platform as always, Hasegawa yelled.

"Everyone silent let's begin the meeting!!"

"I want to know who are the 3 people who didn't show up at Yokohama for the fight" Mahiru asked and everyone started chatting "COME FORWARD!"

"It was me" and "us" the three people stood up infront of them, Mahiru was just looking at glaring them.

"You're fired" she stated and everyone was stunned "what!! Im sorry I panicked!" The girl tried to get away.

"If you can't even show up at a fight then there's no place for you in Kuroi Tenshi, now hand over the jacket!" Mahiru in a cold voice.

"You heard the president now give" Hasegawa put out her hand to take the uniform and one by one they took it off and left.

"Now that everything is clear I want to know who here has a problem with this gang going further before you join Kuroi Tenshi y'all promise that you'll help us in any condition and I want us to be the top in Tokyo and if any of you can't do this then leave immediately" everyone started discussing and none of them left.

"Im impressed" she smirks and took out a notebook she was holding "I need to take measures one by one come here"

"For what?" Hasegawa asked.

"To disband kuroi Tenshi" Mahiru replied with a smile.

"What you can't!! you're kidding right!!"

"President we've reached so far you can't do this!" Asura said.

Mahiru scoffed "relax I'm not disbanding Kuroi Tenshi never, I'm just gonna change few things" Mahiru took the measurement of all the people and the founder members too.

After the meeting everyone went home except for Hasegawa and Asura.

"So what are you planning to do?" Hasegawa asked looking at Mahiru who was drawing some designs on her book.

"Im gonna create a new uniform for kuroi Tenshi and make it bigger" she replied and wrote everything down.

"Can I ask what happened to your eye?" Asura asked.

"This it's nothing" Mahiru fake laugh.

"Actually I got accidentally dropped something in my eye and doctor told me to wear this until it's healed" she thought.

"So listen up, you remember the Tenjiku uniform right, its red and I thought of changing it since Kakucho-san told me I can take his place"


"Yes, Izana-san"

"So the uniform will be different for the members and the founder members

The founder members uniform will be the long one but in black and the members will be also black but not the long one and for pants it won't be the one they wore cause it's kinda weird" Mahiru chuckled and showed the design to Hasegawa and Asura.

" [在信遊戲] this will be written on the sleeve and your position."

"WoW didn't know you could do that" Asura said impressed.

"That's a lot of things you don't know what president can do" Hasegawa said and chuckled

"Now let's go I'm hungry give us a discount on that ramen place you work" Asura said picking up her Jacket.

Mahiru forze "what's happened?" Hasegawa asked.

"Shit I forgot about my shift I haven't been to work in 2 months nor did I tell them I'm taking a break" Mahiru panicked.

"Then let's go and get your job back" Asura pulled Mahiru up and they went to the Ramen shop.


"Go for it" Hasegawa and Asura hid behind the tree beside the shop and push Mahiru to get her job back.

"Um Ojī-san?" Mahiru got inside the shop and the bell ring "welcome to-" it was Haru he was stunned to see Mahiru like this.

"Mahiru?" He was Confused.

"Oh hey Haru-kun how did you recognise me"

"Oh it's just well you know it was obvious" he slutter and it wasn't obvious Haru somehow like Mahiru so he noticed every little changes.

"Anyway where grandfather?"

"He's at the back" Haru pointed at the back door.

Mahiru went to meet the old man aka the owner of the shop to get her job back, Hasegawa and Asura were still hiding behind the tree waiting for Mahiru.

After few min she came back with envelop in her hand, Hasegawa and Asura went to Mahiru.

"So did you?"

"Yes I did and he gaved me my salary" Mahiru smiled.

Mahiru started her shift on time she also find out Mikey had disbanded Toman and he's missing somewhere.
[Not to mention Kuroi Tenshi was now 300 memeber with half Maruhanabachi at the final fight]


Mahiru was at the bridge where she first met Izana she was buying new meterial for the new uniform when she bump into someone who was wearing a hoddie but it looked like it was very oversized.

"Sorry" Mahiru said and went her way but the girl keep looking at her "I think I know her" and decided to follow Mahiru.

"Oi you're the one who fired my sister from your gang right" A girl appear infront of Mahiru, her sister who Mahiru fired in the meeting was standing there threatening her.

"Get her" Mahiru wasn't in the mood to fight she just played along but the girl who she bump into following them going to a alley.

"Your gonna pay for what you did" the girl was holding a bat.

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