Chapter 56: Payback

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Akira didn't said anything and started walking towards Kyoko while crying.

"W-What are you doing! Why are you here?" Kyoki replied in a shaky voice.

"Because of you I lost my sister, because of you I'm band from joining Kuroi Tenshi ever again, Mahiru was right I should have never trust anyone" she glared at Kyoko who was still on the ground shivering.

"That was part of the plan it was your fault she died" Kyoko tried to defend herself.

"My Fault? You said she just has to be there and I'll take care of the rest, Now did you" she kneeled down and started chokeing her.

"A-Aki-ra" she said in between trying to fight her 'she's stronger than I thought, but why' kyoko started to lose consciousness but Akari suddenly let her go.

"'Dont do something stupid because of your sister's death"" Akira's thought started rewinding what Mahiru told her.

Akira sighed and got up "I gaved my loyalty to Mahiru and Kuroi Tenshi and this was not in the vow of Kuroi Tenshi" she got up and left.

Kyoko rubbed neck "why? She's so strong why didn't she do anything that day"

-What actually happened in Ayo Matsuda's death-

"You just have to 'Accidentally' bump your sister with that guy and I'll take care of the rest" Kyoko told Akira but she was confused why.

"Hey do you think this might look good-" Akira slightly pushed her sister and Ayo bump into a stranger.

"Oh I'm so sorry" Ayo quickly apologize.

"Huh!! You think sorry will bring back my milkshake" the idiot Madarame was, he got pissed cause of his milkshake.

"I said I'm sorry" Ayo replied in a shaky voice but long story short Madarame still beat her up and Akira didn't do anything.

He didn't killed her but maybe kyoko did something that she passed out in the middle and never woke up.

Later kyoko came and inform the other's, while the others were coming Kyoko kneeled down beside Akira and took out a small Needle dart from her neck but Akira didn't notice cause she was too surprised.

"You did a good job wait for the others" Kyoko said and left.

'What have I done' Kyoko cried sitting on the floor.


"Man why did we only got 5 minutes we had a lot to talk about" Asura said getting out the gate.

"Actually that was 10 and yeah I didn't even told her about Nana" they left for Shibuya.

It was a peaceful evening everyone was happy that they found Mahiru at last, when suddenly someone called.

"Hasegawa!" She turned and saw Akira but ignore cause of what happened.

"I- I know your mad at me but you have to give me a chance to explain myself" she yelled from afar.

They all walked up to her but said nothing.

"I-" she was cut off when Asura punched her causing everyone's attention to her.

"Hey!! What the hell!" Hasegawa yelled at Asura.

"Now you can talk" she said giving a creepy smile.

"I deserve that, I want to talk to Mahiru" she stated.

Hasegawa scoffed "Why!"

"I want to apologise" she said looking down "Please" she suddenly bow down on the ground "ONEGAI SHIMASU" she cried.

The 5 of them look at eachother "ugh fine I'll take you there tomorrow morning" Hasegawa replied and rolled her eyes and walk off.

"Why did you do that?" Yuu asked.

"Well, when I asked you guys to leave me alone with Mahiru that time I told her all about that whole Kyoko thing and she wanted to see Akira someday" she shrugged.

-Next day-

Hasegawa took a deep breath and opened her door but got startled cause Akira was standing there.

"You almost give me a heart attack!"

"Sorry I'm just nervous replied

They drove to the juvenile and went to meet Mahiru, on the other hand Mahiru was happy they came again but didn't expect to see Akira so soon.

"Akira? What are you doing here?"

"Mahiru I-" she stoped and stare at Hasegawa gesture her to leave and she did.

"I believe you've already heard what happened"

"Yeah I have"

"Im so sorry for everything and-" she was cut off by Mahiru saying.

"So you found out Kyoko tricked you?" She asked.

"You knew that?"

"Yep I found it weird that day cause Hasegawa called that day and said Kyoko was the one who called her and informed her but Kyoko was no where to be seen so it got suspicious and-" she stopped.


"Her death wasn't caused by beating or any let's just say any punches it was caused by a poison called strychnine"

"How do you know that!?"

"Ayo was admitted to the hospital and we took her blood sample and we examine her blood then everything made sense now, but the doctor didn't knew that cause they didn't want to waste there time to autopsy her body so they wrote cause of death pressure against the neck"

"Then why didn't you stopped Kyoko! You could have stop her?"

"Yeah but then what? Kill her? That's not what I wanted to do all I want to do is take revenge from Madarame but I guess I got carried away and took it too far"

"I know you want to kill Kyoko, and I'm not gonna stop you since I'm not your president anymore" Akira look up at Mahiru smirking.

*Knock on the door*

"Time up" Hasegawa opened the door.

"Nahh I'll just accomplish Ayo's dream" Akira smiled and left, before Mahiru could leave Hasegawa called her and told her about Nana.

"Few days ago a letter came and it was from Nana she said she's moving to Paris"

"I see, write her back being me" she left actually the gaurd pulled her.


"Hey, I was wondering" Hiyoko said putting her bed together while Mahiru climbed her's.


"Im confused, you knew that this girl Kyoko wanted to get your arrested and you fell for it!?"

"Actually I didn't care either way, plus I didn't know what to do and I was kinda getting tired of everything" she replied looking down sitting on her bed.

"Is it because of him?" Hiyoko asked but Mahiru ignored and went to sleep.


"Nana-chan what are you drawing?"

"Oh it's a design I've been working on" she said smiling showing her coworker.

"Ooooo is that a wedding dress?" She asked bending over trying to take a better look.

"Yep" she replied happily.

"Who's it for?"

"Someone" she smirked and added few details.


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