Chapter 69: Pleasure [18+]

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You still have time

Later don't go writing hate comments! Cause I don't like that!


Rindou put Mahiru on his bed, he watch her sleeping, many things were he thinking. It was 11 almost midnight.

"I just got you and it hasn't even been a day, I already have to give you up?" He sat on the bed besides her leg.

"I have a plan" he thought as he got up and took off his suit then his vest then his tie.

"Im sorry but if I'm gonna lose you, I have to do it the way you hate me" he slept hugging her from behind.

Rindou started kissing her back till her neck and again kissing her Asano tattoo, a low groan was heard and a sharp pain on his stomach.

"What are you doing?" She woke up turning, seeing Rin half-naked. "Why am I not allow to" he kissed her neck, wrapping his fingers around her waist.

"Take this off" he started taking her dress off. "R-Rindou-san" he hummed in response not stopping.

"Please don't get me pregnant" she smirked still drunk, Rindou got top her and started kissing her, their tongue twirling together.

"I want you~" she moan in between, Rin couldn't hold back, he was hard and impatient.

"Don't hold back" she cupped his face, he got the green signal, he took put his cock, it was already dripping, he slowly insert it causing her to moan in pleasure.

"Your tight" he said in his deep low voice, she wrapped her arms around his neck and leg around his hip.

"Your a virgin? This might be your last night handling this much pleasure, I'll make you dry" he slowly started trusting his hip back and forth.

She moan in pleasure as a tear stream down her cheek "Rindou-san Itai" she moan covering her mouth. "It's just for now you'll get use to my size"

"Let me hear you moan just my name" he didn't receive any response, he started moving faster then before "Ahh~ R-Rindou mmhh~" he slowed down.

"I-I'm near, I'm A-About to come" she tightly her grib.

"Let's do it together" he let out a low groan and moved faster in order to cum.

"Ah... Ahh~" they cum together, breathing heavily trembling with sweat and pleasure.

While she was catching her breath, Rin changed into new pair of protection and started kissing her again. ".....R-Rin?...." She was confused but he didn't stoped.

Both of then stopped catching their breath followed by a trail of saliva. "I thought your done for today" she said in a trembling voice.

"Are you scared?" That's what turns him on  "N-No" she moved back as he moved closer "I known you like it" suddenly she felt a pair of hands inside her pussy, while fingering her as he started to kiss her.

She moan in between "please stop im gonna cum again-" she was cut by another kiss "already" he continued
She cummed clenching on the bedsheet

"Good girl" he stopped as he licked his fingers smirking at the mess he made, Mahiru got pissed, she caught her breath together and thought of revenge.

"My turn" she switched position, Rindou was surprised by her actions but he did wanted to see what she could do.

"Ne, I'll make you beg" she whispered and she started kissing his neck while rubbing his cock.

He let out a low groans, throwing his head back with his mouth slightly open, she didn't stop. "Ahh.. ngh~ im coming" she felt his thing twitch just then she stoped. She did it several times.

"Ahh.... P-Ple-" he stoped catching his breath.

"What's that?" She grinned seeing at what a mess he was, Rindou grabbed her wrist.

"Eh?"  He aggressive switch position, his hand on top of hers "you've made me wait long enough, be ready for your panishment" he lean forward to kiss her, inserting his tongue down her throat as he started thrusting his hip back and forth.

"Itai, but it feels so good at the same time" she didn't stop, capping sound was heard all over room, thank god it was soundproof or was it?.

"Oh god have Rindou already brought home a girl?" One maid who work there whispered..

"Girl?" Ran suddenly heard them talking, and started  eavesdropping on them.

"How can this happen I thought he was with Mahiru, or it is Mahiru" Ran turned around and made his way to kakucho's office.

"A girl? Are you sure it's not Mahiru?"

"Dude are even listening to me! She's 4 years younger then him" Ran screamed he was panicking.

"What's your point?" Sanzu added.

"Ughhh......What if he's cheating on her?"

"I've never seen Rin being this crazy about someone, sure he bring home girl, fuck them and leave them but I don't think he'll do this Mahiru"

"I d-don't think I can't go a-anymore"  she breathed heavy cover in cum and sweat.

"Get some rest" he kissed her on her head and left the room maybe to take a bath.

"I made her cum seven times"  he thought as he closed the door and walk out. It was already 5 in the morning.

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