Chapter 25: Bloody halloween pt.1

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It was finally the day for Toman and Valhalla to fight.

October 31
It was 10 in the morning I took a Walk thinking how could I save baji in any cost, since kazutora was the who stab him.

Maybe I was thinking too much my thoughts were interrupted by a loud "OI MA-HI-RU" and it was nana.

"Yeah what!?" I said in a irritated tone"

"I called you for like 5 times" she said giving me a can of juice.

"Oh sorry I was just thinking about something" she stood beside me looking down at the bridge.

"So, I heard Valhalla and Toman are gonna fight at that abandoned car lot" she mumbled.

"Yes and what about it?" I said looking at her but it looks like she was hiding something.

"Well I- I want you to go with me and watch the fight" she said whispering so I didn't heard.

"You what??" I said in confusion.

"Ughh I want you to go with me to watch the Fight and I know your going that's why I want to go with you" she said then took a Deep breath in relief.

"What!! I don't think you coming to the fight with me is a very good idea" I said and started walking away, but since Nana wouldn't give up she followed me everywhere, and started bribing me with snacks.

I would love to go anywhere with her but not that abandoned car lot with vallhala whom I don't trust and many other delinquent.

"Please ruru-chan I promise I'll won't do anything bad I'll behave" she said in a crying tone.

"Arggg nana I told-" I stopped when I saw she had tears in her eyes.

"Okay finee I'll take you but promise to behave -she nod- and not to talk to anyone -she nod again- and to stay close to me all the time"

"Yes yes I will" she nod and smiled.

"Okay then let's go I want to get there early" I said and shove my hands on my pocket and wore the hoodie cap I wasn't wearing my kuroi tenshi I was wearing a simple black oversized Jacket with a cap.

"Wait first we have to go to the convenience store" she said and I just followed her, after few min she came back with few snacks on her hands and gaved me a can of juice.

We reached the parking lot and other many people were there too, Maybe they were here to watch the fight, Me and nana enter through the gate.

I told nana to stay close, she walked right behind me cause there were many delinquent there with creepy smile.

"Hey what are hell are girls doing here!?" One of a guy came to us and said he was ugly and had a ugly grin.

"We came to kick your ass" Nana said in a mocking tone, the guy got angry and tried to hold nana, like tf he could.

*Thud* I punched him on his Face and he fell on the ground with blood coming out his nose "ughh disgusting" I said Nana hand me a tissue to wipe the blood off my knuckles.

"Let's go find a place to sit" Nana walk towards some old pile of car.

"Hey Mahiru" I turned to see who called me and it was Rindou, he was already sitting in a pile of car with another person.

"Oh hey Rindou, was it?" he 'mhm' in response he introduced to his brother Ran Haitani.

"Nana come sit with me" ran said smiling he was nice, without hesitating Nana went and sat beside him "want some" she said opening a bag of chips.

"So are you guys here to watch the fight?" I said and sat down beside him.

"yeah we are" he said and we talked for a bit when a guy stood in the middle and.

We saw Chifuyu and Takemicchi
"Look those two over there" he look towards us "The Haitani brother" he stopped when he saw Nana and me, and mostly because Nana waved at them smiling.

"They are a lot of people here" I said and look around.

"Fighters make your entrence" one guy yelled

"Tokyo Manji gang" the gate open and Toman enter.

"Valhalla" The opposite gate open.

The guy name "Hansen" stood in the middle saying he'll be the referee, Draken and kazutora stood face to face in the middle of Hansen.

"We only have one condition, we're taking baji back" Draken said and kazutora got pissed.

He punches the referee "you guys think this is game"

He turned his back to Draken and grin.
"We came here to torture you to death"

"Let's do this Toman" Mikey proclaimed and they started running towards eachother.

I was searching for baji but he was no where to be found, then I remembered I didn't tell Nana about Kazu.
I turned to Nana but for some reason she was smiling.

I turned to Nana but for some reason she was smiling

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