Chapter 33: Mislead

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-Summery when Takemicchi went back to future-

Takemicchi was standing infront of a shrine then he noticed it was Mitsuya's funeral he was shocked that Mitsuya was dead

He checked his phone and the news says the person who killed Mitsuya was still unknown, he search for Hina's and she was also dead he fell crying on the ground

He saw a key and it belong to his same old appartment
Naoto came to meet Takemicchi and told him the suspect for all this murder is Manjiro sano

He found a letter on his table and it was from Mikey he asked Takemicchi to come to the same place he told him about.

When he reached there Mikey told Takemicchi to kill him but he couldn't later naoto shot Mikey on his head and Takemicchi went back to the future
"I knew Mahiru would leave but I didn't thought you might too"

Mahiru left Mikey, why? did they fight with eachother or Mikey killed her too? Takemicchi was confused what happened this time.

- Meanwhile at the present -
Mahiru pov

Today is Third January I got a text from kei saying that he'll leave for his train at 5 in the afternoon I went to his house at 2 cause I wanted to spend time with him as long as he's here.

"You didn't have to come y'know" kei said while packing his stuff.

"I had to I mean who knows when will be the last time I see you, wait let me help" I started helping him with the last boxes.

Everything was packed and ready to move, kei and his mother were on the station I wanted to cry and tell him not to go but I keep reminding myself that I was the one who told him to go and I want him to be safe.

"I guess this is goodbye" he said facing me, his hair was tied up.

"I have something for you" I took out a small bag and gaved him with a smile, he opened it and it was red Scarf I brought from the store that day.

"I just thought you might need this on your way and we'll meet again y'know, when you become a successful businessman" I chuckled on my own words.

"We'll meet again" I whispered maybe I was crying he suddenly hugged me, I slowly hugged him back while crying but I stoped cause I didn't want him to think something else.

"Now go, you might miss your train" I said while smiling, my face was a little bit red but I still smiled, he turned around and walked towards the train.

"HEY!" I yelled and he turned back,

"I'll always love you" I said while smiling, the door closed and I watch the train slowly disappearing.

"Wait did he tell Mikey and the rest that he's leaving" I quickly called Hasegawa to pick me up and went to meet Mikey she came within a sec.

I saw Mikey was with Toman on the same garage where pah was arrested.

"Hey can I talk to you?" I said to Mikey and others left.

"Did kei told you that he was Leaving?"

"What leaving? No?" He got a little pissed.

"Wait he didn't told you that he was leaving for Osaka"

We talked for a bit and I explained that I was the one who told him to, I thought he might be surprised or happy but instead he got angry.

"You know it's your fault that Baji is going to Osaka"

"How is it my fault aren't you atleast happy that he's actually doing something, unlike you" I didn't mean to say that

"Huh! I knew it, Baji dating you would be a disaster"

"So, you never trusted me even toh i fought by your side my whole life!!" Now we both were angry.

"I can't believe this you never trusted me" I covered my mouth my head started hurts knowing that the person who I thought was my best friend never trusted me, but he stood there silent the whole time.

He turned around, staring at me "I thought you might be happy that I saved Baji that day and helped Draken" I said turning around, hiding my tears.

"I guess you never needed me, you may accomplish your dream" I said and left, I saw Draken, Hasegawa, Mitsuya and others were standing at the gate, did they heard everything?.

"Ma-Mahiru" Draken called but I just ignore and walked passed him

"Hasegawa let's go" I said and she follow me.

Third pov

Draken and others went inside to check on Mikey, he was a standing there looking down.

"Ken-chin why did I said that" he whispered.

Everyone just stood there looking at Mikey, Mahiru and Mikey we're best friend since middle school and Mahiru would follow Mikey and be by his side cause of the promise they made, but did Mikey lied?

The next day
Mahiru was walking at the sidewalk looking at the beach view she kept thinking the words and the sentence Mikey said to her, did he mean it or was he saying that cause he was angry.

"Mahiru-san what are you doing here?" It was Yuno, she joined Kuroi Tenshi 2 days ago she was like a loyal dog.

"I just fought with one of my friend and I don't think I did the right thing" she replied looking back at the view.

"I see, so was that your childhood friend?" She asked putting her hand on the railing.

"Yeah kinda" she look up when suddenly she felt someone's present behind her, she felt a cold air and Yuno was looking down the railing.

Mahiru swing her fist cause reflex, but stopped when she saw someone familiar standing behind her.

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