Chapter 42: Kawaragi Senju!

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"I think I know her" the girl with hoodie thought and went inside the alley she almost went to help her but she saw Mahiru hold the bat when they were about to hit her.

"Huh?" Mahiru look at the girl who was in black hoodie.

"Shinē Mahiru!!!" A girl came running towards her but Mahiru just dodge and hit her on the stomach with her knee.

"Who the hell are you?" Mahiru asked looking at the girl.

"Kawaragi senju" she said in a scared tone.

"Im Asano Mahiru nice to meet you" Mahiru replied with a smile and hit the girl on her right.

"Lets go I have a lot of things to buy" Mahiru hold her hand the girl senju and pull her out the alley.

"What were you doing there?" Mahiru asked

"I thought you were getting bullied or something" she followed Mahiru, senju keep thinking she might know her from somewhere but she couldn't remember her and cause she thought she was cool plus the eye patch.

"Huh wanna go shopping with me I need another pair of hands" Mahiru said looking at senju waiting for an answer.

"Um sure why not" she followed Mahiru around everywhere and helped her with the stuff.

"So where do you live?" Mahiru asked.

"Shinjuku" senju replied she was holding some bags.

"Oh I'm from Shibuya" Mahiru replied taking out a black fabric for the uniform.

"What do you need that for are you gonna make a dress or something?"

"Maybe it's a secret" she replied continue looking for some material.

"Thank you for all this you were a big help today" Mahiru said putting the bags on the counter.

"Where do you live I can drop you off" Mahiru asked senju cause it was already pass 6.

"Oh you don't have to I think I'll take the train" she said smiling.

"What! No come on it'll be fun" Mahiru grab her hand and pull her towards her bike "sit" she said and senju followed.

Mahiru was driving through Shibuya even toh it was small but the city light were beautiful and magical.

"Thank you for dropping me" she slightly bow and Mahiru bow back "Thank you for your help"

Mahiru went back to her place she thought of sewing the uniform now but she remembered her exams are in a month.

"First I'll study then I'll do that" Mahiru went back to the room and took out her copy and started studying (unlike me)

-Time skip to finals-

*Alarm rings*

"Ugh what's the time" Mahiru woke up on her table cause she was studying last night she checked her phone and she was late.

"Shit" she cursed and grab her bag and ran out the door locking it.

When she reached the shool the gate was already closed she decided to go Through the same wall she clmbed when she was late the first time.

"But how am I gonna climb this last time Haitani-san helped" Mahiru had no other choice but to try, she jump and jump she hold the edge but started to slip.

"No nononono!!" She fell backward and hit someone "Ouch" both of them yelp in pain.

Mahiru look up massaging her head "seishu-kun?" He look back doing the same.

"Mahiru??" He was Confused by how she look now.

"Help me I need to cross that wall" Mahiru pointed at the wall but Inupi had a confused expression.

"Yeah give me a boost" Mahiru said looking at Inupi.


"Come on I can't reach give me a boost" Mahiru gesture him to put his hands together lift her up.

Mahiru pulled herself up and jump but Inupi noticed she drop something "hey you drop-" she was already gone it was the ring with a chain.

Mahiru jump down and went running to her class luckly she was right on time.

"Your late Mrs Asano take you seat"

"Im sorry won't happen again" Mahiru bow and went back to her place.

-After the paper-

"Mahiru!" Yazuha yelled running towards Mahiru and Nana.

"Hey how was your paper?" Mahiru asked.

"It was fine" they went home together and went their way after a turn.

The last day of exam everyone celebrate cause they all passed.

-Mahiru Pov-

I got home from my last paper and put down my stuff my mannequin was still empty (which I borrowed from my school)

I thought of starting it since I already had the material I need, I started with a sample, the fabric was a nice quality and I barely had enough so I thought of just making the Jackets and not then pants

After many days of hard work I was finally done (July 18 the day Mahiru finished making the uniform)

I had many bandage on my fingers but I was just happy I completed it

[Black Tenjiku uniform yin and yang sign
(在信遊戲) written in right arm,
(黒天使天子) on left arm
below the yin and yang  there's written there position]

"I can't wait to show them"

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