Chapter 44: The Return Of Kashikoi

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Asano Mahiru and Hayashi Kyoko had met again, kyo challenge her for a rematch she was arrested for a year and she came back to challenge Mahiru.

"Who the hell are you!?"Mahiru asked standing infront of kyo.

"....." Kyo didn't said anything but stared at her, Mahiru was Confused.

"Ummm...." Mahiru frowned her brows confused she look at Nana but Nana's mouth was still covered.

"Let her go" Mahiru said in a cold voice.

"I have a request" kyo stated.

"I said let her go" Mahiru repeated herself, kyo signel the girl to let go.

"Good, Now what do you want?"

"I want a rematch between us and if I lose we'll join your gang and I know we can't simply join Kuroi Tenshi, So I have to prove myself and I challenge you to a one-on-one fight with me" kyo stated looking at Mahiru but she had a bored expression.

She thought about it for few min "sure then, but your gang members has to agreed to some terms" kyo agreed and they got ready to fight one-on-one.

"It'll be a pleasure to fight you" kyo said making Mahiru confused.

"Lets begin!" One girl yelled as they took positions.

Mahiru and kyo started Fighting, kyo threw a punch towards Mahiru but she blocked it with her arm and moved backward a little bit.

"Why do you wanna join Kuroi Tenshi?" Mahiru asked in the middle of the fight

"I just thought since that fight we had I can't stop thinking about how you sacrifice yourself for your gang member" kyo said while kicking her.

"Huh?" Mahiru dodge and punched her.

"I've fought with many people and none of them would do it for a 'servant'"

"Servant!? you can't call your friends servant nor the people who decided to escort you" Mahiru said looking seriously at kyo.

"That was the mistake I made in my life" she stopped and stood straight infront of Mahiru "When I was in the juvie none of the people I call my friend came to visit but the girl who hit me on my face did" she chuckled.

Mahiru look at Asura with a 'seriously' face, Asura shrugged.

"That's why" kyo kneeled on the ground and bow her head "Please I want to escort you till the end" Mahiru was Confused.

"I- okay you can join Kuroi Tenshi" kyo look up with tears in her eyes "Thank you"

Mahiru told the other Kashikoi member the agreement and some them agreed but some of them were against it so they decided not to join instead, but Mahiru didn't care so she just let it go.

"So I guess you'll be the 5th division of kuroi Tenshi on attack unit" Mahiru look at kyo and she agreed since she was happy atleast she was in kuroi Tenshi.

"I guess it's settle and your members would be in your division"

"Thank you again" kyo said smiling.

"It's okay it'll be fun to have you as a member and Nana!!" Mahiru called, Nana was talking with the other members talking.

"Yeah sorry they took me out for snacks and she said she knows you so I just followed her" Nana said pouting.

"It's okay but don't just follow someone just like that you might get- Hey stop looking at me like that!!" Nana was making puppy eyes.

"Go home!" Mahiru said as she pat her head and went out the door cause she still have her bike.

Mahiru went back to Draken bike store to get her bike, her clothes were dirty and light bruises on her cheeks.

"Hey your done?" She asked seishu who was reading something on the counter.

"Yeah and what happened to your face? Did you got in a fight?" He asked Mahiru who was walking towards him, she shove her hands on her pocket.

"Yeah Yeah what are you reading?" She look down at the newspaper or an article he was reading.

"It's today's newspaper 'A gang war held in Yokohama 5 arrested and others unknown' do you think it's-?"

"Mikey?" She completed his sentence, He response with a 'Mhm' .

"Might be who knows I mean he has his dream" Mahiru chuckled softly trying to get out of it.

"He's your best friend right?" He asked but he was cut off when Mahiru asked about her bike.

"It's with Draken he said it might need new parts" without saying anything else Mahiru went to Draken.

"Draken-kun?" Mahiru called, he was working on the bike.

"So what's the problem?" She asked.

"Um I'm not sure you should come tomorrow it'll be good by then" Draken said and Mahiru agreed.

"Ah~ I'm tired" Mahiru stretch her arms up and thought of going home.

-Next Day-
Mahiru Pov

"Mahiru have you return the mannequin you borrowed?" The class prez asked, I was looking out the window.

"When was I suppose to return it?"

"You said you only need it for 2 week on March before exam" she replied.

"I think I have already returned it you should check" I didn't return it and I have it for 2 months.

"YOU HAVEN'T RETURNED IT!?" yuzuha proclaimed.

"Shhhhhh I might get caught and no I was too busy" I was thinking how to return it without getting caught.

"Okay I have an idea you distract the class prez or any teacher that comes and I'll put it back okay" we made a plan and she agreed.

The next day I called Asura to come through the back wall so that no one could see her.

"Im here" Asura called and yuzuha had to distract the teacher.

"Mahiru I heard you haven't returned the mannequin" the teacher suddenly came and I was searching for yuzuha, 'play dumb' I thought.

"Who's Mahiru?" Not that dumb shit

"It's already there" I started running pass her and she started following me, I called Asura and told her to keep it on art room.

"Come with me" the teacher started dragging me from my coller till the art room.

"Ahh let me go I told you it's there" I Yelp.

Teacher opened the door and it was there "Thank you Asura" I thought and got up to get out from her grip.

"Huh told you" I went back to my class

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