Chapter 14: Found You!

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Beep....beep....beep... (Just imagine the sound of heart monitor for patients in hospital)

Mahiru suddenly opened her eyes but she couldn't move she look around and saw nana sleeping besides her and a clock, it was 8 in the morning she tried to move causing nana to wake up .

"Ah ruru-chan im so glad you woke up" nana said getting up while wiping her tear

"ha?? What do you mean?" Mahiru asked sitting up with Nana's help

"Um well you've been unconscious for almost 3 days "

"Seriously, 3 Days!!" Nana noded

"Then what happened in the past these days?" Mahiru asked touching her stomach

"Hm Mikey and Draken visit and we took turns to stay and watch over you"

"That wasn't necessary"

"Baji also did"

"Baji came?" She noded and smirk

"What are smirking at!"

"MAHIRU!!" Hasegawa yelled and opened the door, she walk towards her.

"Im so glad your up" she started tearing up.

Mahiru still couldn't move, her wounds wasn't heal yet, there were bandages around her head and on other parts of her body.

Hasegawa gaved Mahiru company and Nana leave them alone. After talking few min and catching up with what happened past few days when she was unconscious. Later the doctor came in.

"Ah Mrs Asano I see you have woken up"
The doctor said while approaching Mahiru he took some test
"Good news you can depart from the hospital in a week" with that he left

Other people also visit her in the hospital and they seemed happy that Mahiru is conscious finally

-After a week-

Mahiru pov

After a week my wound was still not fully healed but I was able to walk. I packed my stuff Hasegawa helped me since it wasn't much luggage.

It's been almost a week I checked my phone it's July 13 , 10:30AM

A thought came to my mine I haven't visited Asano-kun, it's been like 2 week

I took some money from my savings and went out wearing a black oversized Jacket with white t-shirt and normal pants I locked the door and went out to buy flowers.

I reached the flower shop and took the same flowers I took the last time I came here but I only took 2 of white roses and a scented candle I couldn't buy much since I was very low on budget.

I was walking my way to the cemetery when something caught my eye it was a jewelry shop I went inside and started to look around when I saw a silver bracelet that has the same butterfly but the wrist part was black, I brought it and thought to surprise him with it, it didn't cost much. But I only had 25 thousand yen left :(

I was finally at the cemetery but something was odd, there was already a candle lighted and some flowers but it was Lilly, I tilled my head in confusion but I put the flowers down and prayed "we'll meet again".

"I finally found you" I got startled by that sudden voice, I slowly turned around and saw a guy with brown hair his one eye was hidden by a part of his hair and his eye was the same colour as Asano's (dark brown similar to Baji's but darker)

"Asano Mahiru" he said smiling. Godammit I was confused who tf is he.

I kept looking at him but he gesture me to shake his hand.

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