Chapter 55: In The End

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"YUU!!" Hasegawa yelled causing Yuu to wake up by the sudden voice..

"What the hell!" She yelled getting startled, Yuu usually nap under the bridge cause find it peaceful.

"We found Mahiru, I was thinking if you wanna visit her or not?"

YUU just signed and got up "off course I do" Hasegawa slightly smiled and walked followed by Yuu.

They didn't went to the juvie instead they went to a small house near the bridge, there was a bike parked infront of it.

"Where are we?" Yuu asked looking around.

"It's Mahiru's house she used to live here" Hasegawa opened the door and put the key on the counter table.

"Nice place" she came in and look around and saw a box where Hasegawa kept the key.

"Yeah I moved 3months ago, make yourself at home" Hasegawa went to the room to change clothes.

Meanwhile Yuu opened the box and she saw a photo frame with two people one was holding a staff over her shoulder and the other one was doing a half squat just beside her 'they look familiar' she thought.

"I know your thinking they look familiar" suddenly Hasegawa said coming out the room wearing her black kuroi Tenshi uniform.

"That's me and Mahiru 7 years ago, I was 13 year old she was 12 and half that was the day we decided to be the new leaders of Yakuza but the big problem was that we didn't knew there were many people who hated Yakuza or most of them had some kind of dept towards them so we created Kuroi Tenshi instead" Hasegawa pointed somewhere and Yuu glare at the direction where she has pointed.

It was another photo frame but with 5 people and it was no other then Kuroi Tenshi infront of Shibuya city.

"You guys looks so Young and happy" she stated causing Hasegawa to have a flashback 'i want a gang of my own where I can help people not terrorized them and to prove that Haruki-kun was not a disgrace'

"Um Hasegawa?" Yuu called again cause she asked a question and Hasegawa didn't replied "yeah?"

"Um I was thinking why did you moved here?"

"When Mahiru went to juvie that afternoon grandfather aka the owner of our Hideout gaved me a box and it was her first uniform she wore as a leader and her house key so I guess she wanted me to moved" she chuckled and took the bike keys.

"Let's go other's are waiting"

After driving for few mins they reached the juvenile, they saw Asura talking to someone at the gate.

"What's the matter?" Hasegawa asked getting off the bike.

"They said we don't have a permit to enter the juvenile!" Asura said angrily glaring at the janitor.

"Omari" she hummed in response turning her head towards Hasegawa.

"You didn't called your uncle?"

"I did but he didn't replied maybe he's busy" she looked down.

"I didn't said I was busy I said I'll see what I can do and let them in" her uncle appeared from the janitor's back, he had no other choice but to let them in.

"Woah this is a big juvenile" Kiko chuckled looking up and down the place.

"Please enter here and wait for few min I'll call the prisoner" the other Janitor said and left.

"Omari's uncle is a police officer?" Yuu asked.

"Yeah even wonder why does the police comes so fast Wherever ever time Mahiru says 'omari call the cops' *kiko imitates Mahiru's voice* it's because Omari's uncle knows Mahiru and he kinda have a soft spot for her for some reasons" she slowly stopped cause Hasegawa gaved a death glare.

-Meanwhile at Mahiru cell-

As always she was taking a nap but got startled but the sudden sound which was cause by the janitor's baton banging against the bar.

"Hey pipe it down! We're not deaf" Hiyoko said glaring at the janitor.

"Tch 069 you got a visitor" he said and went his way, Mahiru got up surprised.

"Maybe it's them!" Someone from other cell yelled.

"Yeahh Mahiru finally" everyone else was excited but her, Hiyoko notice that and asked getting up "what's wrong isn't this what you've been waiting for?"

"I have but I- I've done a mistake I mean I promise them that we'll be the biggest in Tokyo but I abandoned them" Mahiru clenched on her fist.

Hiyoko sighed and softly hit Mahiru on her head "Baka! Just go out there and face them, you did it for a reason"

"A reason *she scoffed* I did for my own selfish deeds" Mahiru got up and left.

Janitor opens the door "In here" and instructed Mahiru to sit on the desk behind the glass.

Mahiru slowly walked in as her heart beat was louder than people chatting around her.

"M-Mahiru" Hasegawa watched Mahiru walking in.

"Oh hey it's been so long" she sits chucking.

Hasegawa almost spoke but before her kiko yelled interrupting.


"Ouch-" Asura hit her on her head "shut up"

"I- I'm so sorry for everything" Mahiru look down crying.

"Mahiru" Hasegawa whispered "it's not your fault we don't blame you, you did what you could I'm sorry for not understanding you were in a lot of pressure and I blame myself for not realising that"

"Yeah we're sorry president we didn't knew that there were many things that was bothering you" Asura added.

"You guys, thank you for understanding and I'm not your president anymore" Mahiru said chucking.

"Say what you must say but your still our president"

"But I mean look at you" Asura pressed her face against the glass to take a better look at Mahiru.

"Have you been eating well you look so pale and slim" others agreed.

"Im fine! I look the same" she doesn't, her hair was messy and she wasn't taking her meal properly.

"And good news, Draken made it!" Hasegawa said happily leaving Mahiru in shock.

"Yeah I know I know we all thought he was dead but it turns out only one of the bullet hit him" she stated.

They couldn't talked for long cause of the time limit but they did had fun talking to Mahiru after hell of a long time.


-Few weeks ago-

Kyoko has disappeared, she wasn't seen since the last time she faced the Kuroi Tenshi founder members.

Kyo sighed and put her mask on the table, she looked worry when suddenly she got startled by someone trying to force open the door.

"Who is it?" She asked in a scared voice, but it didn't stoped, it started banging the door louder and louder.

Kyoko got scared and moved back but trip and fell on her butt, her whole body was sweating with fear.

A click sound and suddenly the door opened and revealed "Matsuda!?" Kyoko was confused and scared since she has a angry expression with tears.


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