Chapter 10: Silver Necklace

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The next morning (June 21) the fight was in few days they decided it should be held on the same ground they had 2 years ago.

I went to school it was going the same but Yuzuha didn't came I got worried thinking where could she go, but there was nothing I can do and if anything happens to her I'll probably would get the news but nothing like that happen.

I got home and noticed Baji forgot his toman uniform I put it in a plastic bag with few snacks. I changed my clothes to a normal one.

I started walking towards Baji's appartment to give him his uniform, when I reached his appartment

*rings the bell* *Door opens*

"Yes? - Oh Mahiru-chan" Baji's mom opened the door

"Good afternoon" I greeted

"come in, Baji is in his room"

"Keisuke, Mahiru came to see you come here" He came running with headphone and manga on his hand

"Hey what's up" he said taking off his headphone
"I came to give you this" I hold out the plastic bag "your uniform" I smiled

"Thank you" Baji took the bag

"I should get going, it was nice meeting you Ryuko-san" I bow and went out the door, I almost reached the stares until Baji called.

"Ah Mahiru-chan wait-" I waited

He later came back with a box on his hand  "yeah what?"

"here" he gaved me a small box
"Happy Birthday" he smiled brightly

"but it's not my birthday" I was confusedd I've never tell anyone my birthday nor do I remember

"I know I know you never celebrate you birthday and you said you don't remember, so here"

Without any reason my eyes tears up, I looked down to hide it. Not now
Baji panicked "hey what happened dont Cry did I do something wrong?"

"no it's just *wipes my tears* aregato na-" I smiled as much as I can

I took the box and open it was a silver necklace with a butterfly *eyes sparkling*
"I love it"

"You didn't have to do this, but I love it Thank you so much for this"

"Your welcome I'm really glad you like it" he smiled, ᵈᵃⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ˢᵐⁱˡᵉ ⁱ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵏⁱˢˢ ʰⁱᵐ

Wtf don't think that!! And I realised it was the same box I saw that day with his cousin.

"Um Mahiru? You've been like that for a while" that's when I relized I was staring too much.

"Ah sorry heheheh anyways I should get going..." I noticed he wasn't smiling anymore nor he look angry his hair was tied in a low pony

He lean forward, I panicked inside but I somehow knew what he was gonna do!!!!
He cupped my cheeks and lean forward I closed my eyes. Not until

"Nyaaa~~ what's going here"
We both stopped and got scared, he looked over to the girl "GET LOST!"

I laughed awkwardly "I should probably get going" I was running down the stares I could hear he was arguing "TF is wrong with you ha- you wanna die"

Dang what just happened

I reached the road and stoped I looked at the necklace "ah it's so pretty" I put it back in my pocket and decided to go home

I couldn't stop thinking what just happened i was like a red tamato walking.

"Mahiru-chan are you okay why are you all red" Mikey touched my forehead checking my temperature

"Your fine but what happened" I was smiling like an idiot "its nothin~"

"Weird, by the way I heard that your gonna have a fight in 4 days" I came back to normal

"Yeah I'm kinda scared they might win" I look down

"Dont worry I'll train ya" he smiled I agree and we went to his house since he his grandfather has a dojo class

"Okay let's get started" he took off his Jacket and shoes Emma was watching us.

"Let's check your reflexes" he came running towards me, he was too fast he tried to punch but I managed to dodge it luckly

"Hey I wasn't ready"
"In fight they don't care whether your ready or not, you have to be ready anytime to take any impact" he kick but I blocked "okay noted" I hold his his leg and threw him somewhere, but he didn't fell

He came again running, but I was ready to block him no matter what
He punch but I got out the way
I hold his hand pull it behind him

"Manjiro-san your stronger than this come on use your full power" I hold his right hand behind his back. He smirk
"Okay then" he somehow got up and switch position dammit

I sighed and faced him which made him to sit on my stomach he was still holding my right hand, I chuckled making him confused. I hold his arm and pushed him backward now we switch position again. I lean forward I could feel he was panickin inside
"Got you~" I whispered near his ear my warm breath was hitting his neck, I smiled and got up.

"Thank you for this Mikey but I think I can take them on my own and if we continue any further I might do something" I look back smirking watching him got up. It's so fun to tease him.

"Bye Emma I'll see you later" she waved and I went outside.

"Dang" Emma stayed causing Mikey to get startled.

I was walking towards my house it was already evening and I was cold.
I got home and took a bath and went to sleep.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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