Chapter 64: So Close

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Mahiru pov (May 25-31)

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Mahiru pov (May 25-31)

It's been few week since I was working at the hospital as catering, the job is till 6 am to 11 am.

I softly banged my forehead on counter table of the ramen shop I used to work at.

"What's wrong?" Haru asked wiping the plates.

"I think I need another job" I said lifting my head and breaking the chopsticks in two.

"Why I thought the salary was high"

"Yeah but it's not enough"

"Why don't you start working here?" I almost choke on my noodles.

"I don't think I should, I mean we didn't get many customer and my salary was so fricking low" I continue eating the noodles.

"Well I thought I could convince you but here" he took something out his pocket and put it on the table.

"What's this?" I picked it up and it was list of job needed.

"OII you had this, why didn't you tell me this sooner"

"I wanted you to be the manager again" he sounded sad.

"Ah you've already hired Yumeko, plus I think she likes you" I turned to Yumeko who was wiping the tables.

"Yeah sure" he replied sarcastically, I just scoffed and went back looking article.

-At home-

"What are you doing?" Hasegawa asked taking off her jacket.

"Searching for another job" I replied marking few jobs that was close to my house.

"I thought you liked this one?"

"Yeah I do but I need more money, so I narrowed it down to 2, one is on a convenient store and other is at a cafe at Shinjuku" I replied and waited for Hasegawa to comment.

"I don't know, pick the one with a higher raise"

"I did but Shinjuku is very far but the payment is high and this convenient store it's hella near but the payment is low"

"I think you should pick the convenient store, cause it's near and you can pick up few extra shift" she replied and went to the bathroom.

Later after thinking I decided and picked the Shinjuku cafe but when I went to the interview, they had already gaved it to someone else and I had no other choice but to pick the convenient store one.

-After few days working at the hospital-

"Hey Shirota" someone called me and I hummed in response.

"Take this to room no 306 and give her some company she's a little worried she may not make it" one of my coworker handed me the trolley with medicine in it.

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