•°•Character Profile°•°

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Asano Mahiru is first portrayed as a strong and determined young woman who will not hesitate to beat down those who oppose her and is said to be very charismatic, which is what allowed her to become the leader of kuroi Tenshi

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Asano Mahiru is first portrayed as a strong and determined young woman who will not hesitate to beat down those who oppose her and is said to be very charismatic, which is what allowed her to become the leader of kuroi Tenshi. She retains a serious attitude throughout her earlier appearances

Mahiru is a fifteen-year-old girl of medium height and mid-length black tinted hair. Her blue eyes has round like pupils

She wears the Kuroi Tenshi school uniform, sporting white loose/slouch socks and dark-blue sneakers and Hansel cargo pants

She has an obvious crush on Baji which makes her act shy whenever he is around. Furthermore, she tries her best to hide her alter ego.

Hasegawa is vice-president of Kuroi tenshi , having taken up the position following brief absence from the group

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Hasegawa is vice-president of Kuroi tenshi , having taken up the position following brief absence from the group.

Hasegawa has straight, black hair, that's always tied in a ponytail, thick bangs framing her face, and reaches mid-back when loose. She has black eyes and wears glasses.

She is usually seen wearing a regular school uniform with Kuroi Tenshi Jacket on top that comes up to her ankles. She is well endowed.(Chapter debut 2: Freshman)

Asura Higuchi is a member of kuroi Tenshi with a talkative and brash personality

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Asura Higuchi is a member of kuroi Tenshi with a talkative and brash personality. She is usually seen with Hayashi Omari. As a member of kuroi Tenshi, she is a capable fighter and is not afraid of facing men. Sometimes, she refers to herself as "Asu-chi".

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