Chapter 69: Unneeded

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Next morning, 7:30 am June 14

Mahiru woke up finding the bed empty and wet, she looked around but the room was also empty, she went to take a bath, she noticed there was several hickeys on her neck and other parts.

"Shit" she curses and finds new clothes to wear, she picked some Rindou's oversized tshirt and half pants.

"This should work" she walked down the stairs finding Sanzu on the couch reading something.

"Hey, morning sunshine" he greeted.

"Where's Rin?" She asked but Sanzu had a disappointed expression.

"I see, he used me" her eyes were widened but she had a grin, disappointing grin..

"Im so stupid thinking someone could ever love me again" Mahiru didn't let Sanzu reply, she quickly went back to her room, got changed and left.

She entered the hotel, surprised to see everyone down the hall with their luggage. Other's were glad she came home

"Where were you, Mahiru?" She didn't replied leaving Hasegawa confused, she noticed a tear on her cheek.

Mahiru went back to her room to change into fresh ones. Hasegawa followed her.

"What's wrong?" She noticed several hickey on her neck and back, everyone else were also waiting for Mahiru.

"Nothing, where are we going?" She asked changing her clothes.

"Nana said she found a place for us to crash, we're gonna stay there to spend the rest of our vacation" Mahiru was done, she grab her luggage and went down the stairs.

"Well..... I just wanna have fun with my friends nothing is gonna ruin that" she gaved a smile and went back to others with a bright smile.

"You guys didn't made up?" Mahiru asked, Nana was still being ignored by Kazutora, Nana and Takemicchi also had a plan.

They reached Osaka, Mahiru felt heavy about last night, and now she has to meet Baji for the second time but she didn't know they were crashing in Baji's penthouse.

"Hasta la vista" Nana said as she opened the door, Nana was upset about what happened between her and Kazutora but she didn't want any trouble, keeping her brightest smile she tried to give this vacation a great time with her friends.

"Nice place" one by one they got in and check out the place, last one to come was Mahiru.

"Baji? You live here?" Mikey was still upset with him with what happened but maybe he forgot, everyone was worried how would Mahiru react, they waited for her.

"Nice place-" Mahiru entered but stop when she saw Baji standing there greeting everyone.

"H-Hey" she slutter and a quick glare to Nana she mouth the word sorry.

"Let me take that" he reach out to take Mahiru luggage but she refused "it's okay you don't have to" she moved her hand back not letting him to take it, Baji also looked at other and went back where he was standing before.

"I'll show you your rooms" one of the maid said and they follow her. "Nana can I talk to you?" Baji called her and took her somewhere they can talk.

"You didn't told me they were coming too!" He was scared and surprise.

"I told you, I said the whole gang is coming" Nana replied not giving a damn.

Keisuke's phone rings and excuse himself.


"It's Rindou the job is done"

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