Chapter 6: Money twins

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It was 7 in the morning Sunray hit Mahiru's eyes causing her to wake up
But couldn't her body won't move she was tired from yesterday's fight.

With gathering all strength she has she gets up and went to wash up her face she had many bruise, got dressed Mahiru went to school

-At School-
Mahiru Pov

I entered the school campus I was expecting Yuzuha will be there but she wasn't I started to look for her all around the place but I couldn't find her I started to get worried, I met Hasegawa and asked her but she said no

Class had already started I went to class but my phone rang, it was Mikey

"Yo, Mahiru are you free today"
"Yeah why?".
"Can you come to the shrine after school?"
"Yeah okay".
"Okay and bring dorayaki"
Tch just for free snacks he calls me

I hung up

I was worried I haven't seen Yuzuha since this morning I kept thinking where could she be,
After school I decided to call her

"Oi Yuzuha?"

"Hey, Mahiru what's up" her voice was shaky

"I haven't seen you all day where are you!"

"I-Im kinda busy with my stuff" she slutter

"I see, then will you come tomorrow?"

"Umm... I don't know but I'll try my best bye for now don't worry I'm fine"

Before I could say 'bye' she hung up maybe something had happened which made her slutter, I was worried since her older brother is heartless,

I thought of giving it some time and went home I got home but I had nothing to do so I decided to take a walk.

As I was walking around observing the area I saw a girl talking to a boy and it was Yamaguchi (kiko) I went to her

"Hey Yamaguchi what are you here" she looked at me then looked at the guy who was infront of her.

"I made a deal with this asshole here but he won't give me my share" she sounds angry

"Hey, we talked about 26thousand yen not 50"

"You said I'll give you 26 if you just participate and 50 if we won" they were looking at eachother like they might start a fight soon.

"Hey, guys calm down". They gaved me a death glare.

"What!!! you wanna settle this here" Kiko said and made a fist

"Hell yeah but I'm not allow to hit women" replied the guy

"That means your scared Koko-chan!" She proclaimed and teased

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"That means your scared Koko-chan!" She proclaimed and teased

"You think so then let's go!!" He also made a fist.

"Guys calm down don't fight" as if they listen.

"Hey what's going here" a voice from behind, I looked back and saw a guy with blonde-ish hair and a scar on his eyes "dang your attractive" I accidentally said it out loud dammit

I could see the red blush on his face I Immediately turned around

"They're fighting should we stop them?!" He stood beside me "Nah I don't think we should" he playfully said  "lets enjoy this for a while I'm Seishu Inui btw"

"Im Mahiru" I said not looking towards him "Does Mahiru has a last name?" 

"since you asked it's 'Asano'"

He turned to me "You mean your Asano Haruki's-"

"Adopted daughter" I complete his sentence he nodded in realisation
"Wanna be friends" he asked  "Sure"
We were talking for few min then we realised Kiko and Koko were fighting for real this time, we went to stop them I hold kiko from her arms and seishu hold koko from his waist pulling them apart, we took them both to opposite direction.

"I'll see you later seishu-kun". I waved and took Kiko out from there

"Are you trying to start a fight!!" I looked at kiko, she just stood there in silent

"You know there's a way to get him back" she lift her head up "hm?"

"You can do the exact same thing he did to you"

"You mean make a deal with him then call it off" I nodded  "Ooo I like that plus I'm good at that stuff" she got up and left weird person didn't even said Thank you.

I decided to just go home I met Hasegawa on my way we started talking.

It was refreshing and windy we stoped for some drinks from the vending machine and spotted the Tokyo Manji gang.


Mahiru went to Mikey jumping oh his back he almost fell but manage to balance.

"I told you to stop doing that" he yelp
Mahiru just looked at him and got off

"Okay then.... SURPRISE ATTACK!!".
she yelled throwing a punch towards Mikey, but he managed to block

"There they goes again" Draken said rubbing his temple

Mahiru throws a punch towards Mikey but he managed to block it
"Nene Mikey-kun when will I ever get to hit you"

Mikey chuckles
Mahiru kept attacking him but couldn't even touch him.

They stoped finally that's cuz Mahiru remember something she reached for her pocket and takes out something, On the other hand Mikey knew what she was gonna take out.

"I guess you don't want this dorayaki"

Mikey's hands drop, Mahiru finally got a chance she ran as fast as she can Mikey thought she'll give him the dorayaki but-

She throws hands on Mikey but misses she was confused wht just happened when she realised, Mikey already got the dorayaki and Is 2 feet away from Mahiru she got upset

"That's not fair" she ran behind Mikey chasing him to hit him.

"Here want more" Hasegawa said giving draken a open bag of chips
"sure" Draken took some chips while drinking juice which also hasegawa brought and Takemicchi was telling Mahiru and Mikey to stop fighting


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