Chapter 1: Will He?

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-Mahiru Pov-
I found myself at an orphanage I was just a kid to realise what is happening around me

Other kids hated me and some of the adults thought I was a boy, when I clearly looked like a girl, I don't remember my name so they called me 'Mahiru'

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Other kids hated me and some of the adults thought I was a boy, when I clearly looked like a girl, I don't remember my name so they called me 'Mahiru'

-One night-

"Is everyone out, hurry come out quick!"
I got up to see what was the fuss about and everything was warm then I realised the orphanage was on fire I started running while crying why does no one care about me, I ran while wiping my tears I trip and fell and the door was block with a big wood and it was burning I started screaming "help I'm stuck" it was getting all smokey I started coughing and thought I'm better off dead

When I heard someone Calling

"Hey come here, wake up, lets go" that person started shaking me I woke up he held my hand and started running I couldn't see anything cuz the smoke had got into my eyes I saw a boy with white hair he looked back I couldn't see him clearly but I remember his eyes.

We were finally out I started coughing while the boy went somewhere saying
"I'll go get help" I could hear the teacher yelling

"Is everyone okay, are you all here, is everybody here"

I had the strength to get up and walk till there but I chose not to, instead I got up and went the opposite direction
"Thank you for Saving me I'll find you someday"

I left the orphanage since no one would care whether I'm gone or not and just in time it started raining my clothes are all dirty, I was walking where my feets were taking me I stoped and sat somewhere, I was hungry I was walking all night and it hurts to have no one to care about you.

And that's when I met Asano he took me in and loved me like his own

I was sitting on the sidewalk holding my knees together when a man stopped infront of me.

"Are you lost" The man said sharing the umbrella

I slightly look at him I was crying and nod.

"Are you hungry" I nod again

"Come with me, I'll take care of you" He asked me smiling and put his hand out gesture me to get up I hesitate at first but he took my hand
We went to a house it was average space, clean and pretty

"What's your name little one"
"Im Mahiru"
I explain what happened and how they treated me

He gaved me Ramen to eat and new clothes but it was too big for me, he introduced himself as Asano Haruki and told me to call him as "Asano-kun"
Asano taught me martial arts and to fight but sadly he passed away when i was 11, I respect him cause he was the only person who was there for me And i want to make him proud by achieving his dream

-Present day-

Asano was in a gang called Yukuza he was a strong trustworthy person,

One morning he told me that he has an important thing to do and left, I waited for so long thinking he might come any second, I knew he was going on a gang fight with another gang, I couldn't wait anymore so I went to find him I was 11 and smart enough to see where he had gone.

When I arrive I saw many people were laying on the ground and I saw Asano on his knees there was a guy in front of him while I was processing what was going on I realise he got stab and there was blood streaming down from his mouth, I cried covering my mouth, the guy who was standing in front of Asano suddenly looked over me, I quickly hid behind the building

"Haruki I told you, you're a disgrace in the name of this family, Anyway safe journey" he shot Asano on his head, the blood spread all over the place.

I scremed covering my mouth when suddenly a bike stoped in front of me

"Get in! Quick" It was sato I quickly got in and as he drove I huged him from behind while crying

We stoped in front of my house(Asano's ofc)

"Are you okay?" He said kneeling down
I couldn't stop crying from what I just saw but I slightly noded
He hugged me "Dont worry I'll take care of you"

Sato was like a brother to Asano, he would follow him and they would fight together (he was like draken to mikey)

After Asano passed away Sato had never made me feel lonely or unneeded, he loved me like Asano did, we would visit Asano's grave every 2 week, but after 6 months of Asano's death Sato had a unfinished business somewhere so he took a trip leaving me with some savings.

He promised he'll be back soon but will he?

He promised he'll be back soon but will he?

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