Chapter 34: Confusion!

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"Haitani-san?" Mahiru saw Rindou she was confused to see him here, he was wearing a black uniform

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"Haitani-san?" Mahiru saw Rindou she was confused to see him here, he was wearing a black uniform.

"Our boss wants you to join our gang" he stated.

"What gang?" Yuno was just watching them, when she saw someone running towards her.

"President, you have to come quick we have a problem" she said while panting.

"So, they did it" Rindou exclaim and watching their figure disappear.

After few min of running they reached the Hideout and saw many people in red uniform, most of the girl were tied up and some of them were lying on the ground.

"So, your the president of this gang" it was guy with weird hair and he was kinda huge, Mahiru suddenly faith when she noticed someone put something on her mouth that made her lose consciousness.

"Are you sure you can handle this gang on your own?"

"Yeah I think I can as long as they are with me"

"I don't think we need her anymore"

"Should we just send her to the orphanage"

"Yeah I'll drop her tomorrow"

All the memories Mahiru had, past many years were just replaying on her mind some of them were the voices she dosent recognise.

"I'll fine you someday"

She suddenly woke up and noticed she was facing the ground her whole body was stiff, she quickly got up and saw that her hand was tied with a rope, without forcing she just got her hand out of the rope breaking it. (Cause it was a thin rope)

"AHHHH where the hell am I" she started looking around and it was like a weird place she suddenly heard a lot of grunting in pain and screaming coming from afar she followed the voices.

"Toman's traitor is Hanagaki Takemicchi" she heard and they were talking about some stuff but she couldn't heard so she pressed her ear against the wall to listening, but suddenly the door open and she fell.

Everyone look towards her, she quickly straighten herself.

"Hey, pipsqueak" she quickly got up and look around the room and saw Takemicchi tied with tape, koko and seishu were also tied on the chair and sanzu was standing there watching.

"What is she doing here?" Mucho said.

"I don't know, that guy just drop her downstairs and left" sanzu replied.

"What guy?" I asked turning to him,he didn't replied and just started at me.

"And why the hell am I here and if anything happens to seishu you'll regret shit no I mean Takemicchi" she quickly changed koko suddenly turned to seishu.

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