Chapter 38: Nocte king

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It was finally the day for Tenjiku and Toman's battle.

22 February 9:55PM
Yokohama bay, 7th wharf

-Third pov-

"Hasegawa let's go we gotta get there soon Plus Yokohama is like 45min away" Mahiru said "wait im coming" she replied.

Mahiru started the bike and they left for Yokohama it took few min but they reached everyone was surprised to see some girls in Tenjiku uniform.

"Oh shit" Mahiru cursed.

"What?" Hasegawa asked getting off, and stood behind her.

"Kisaki is also here"

They went to take a seat Mahiru was surprised to see koko with them but she had to play it cool.

"Why do I have to wear this Tenjiku uniform?" Hasegawa said when she tried on the uniform Mahiru gaved her.

"Because we're one of the top member and we can't blow our cover" Mahiru replied looking for her phone.

"So technically we're betraying them?"

"What no we're gonna fight for them but we just have to look out for kisaki he never plays fair" Mahiru found her phone and put it inside her pocket.

"But won't Mikey be upset when he finds out you're going against him?"

"He knows"

Mahiru and Hasegawa took a seat with the rest but Toman were taking a lot of time to come.

Mahiru excuse herself and called Takemicchi.

"Oi why aren't you guys showing up?" She was worried.

"I have bad news kisaki killed emma and Mikey is not coming Draken is upset with Mikey and half the Toman went home" Takemicchi replied.

"Well figure something out pipsqueak!" Mahiru replied.

"I'll try my best to convince the rest-"

"Oi who are you talking to" kisaki came and hold Mahiru's wrist trying to take her phone.

"You got a problem with that" Mahiru tried to punch Kisaki but her punched was stoped when Hanma hold her wrist.

"Are you betraying Tenjiku" Hanma voice always scares her.

"Who the hell are you to decide that" Hasegawa hold hanma hand their height almost matches.

"Guys you aren't suppose to fight eachother" a guy came and broke the fight, Mahiru texted the 10 Kuroi Tenshi members to help Toman.

-Meanwhile at Shibuya-

"Even if Mikey is not here Toman will never lose" Chifuyu proclaimed and everyone started screaming Toman.

"If you guys don't mind us tagging along" 10 girls were standing at the entrance of the shrine all of them were wearing Toman's uniform but it was similar to Mikey's.

"We're here on behalf of Kuroi Tenshi" Asura sated looking at Takemicchi with a creepy smile.

-Back to Yokohama-

"They will definitely come"

Suddenly Toman enter "Toman has arrived, everyone gather around!!"

But they were only 60 members with 10 girls everyone laughed at them.

They enter and everyone surrounded them, pah fought first he was strong, then other came (long writing short)

Mahiru was standing somewhere near Izana other Toman members were surprised to see Mahiru on the opposite side, Takemicchi also tried his best.

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