Chapter 67: Terrified

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June 6. We reached Osaka finally we booked a place to crash, then we'll stay at the hotel Nana booked for us.

"Is this the place?" Mahiru asked looking around while Nana was talking on her phone.

"Yeah okay" she hung up.

'No, we're gonna stay here for 2 days then we'll go to Takahashi penthouse"

"Why two days?"

"Well...." She didn't have an excuse.

"Cause we're tired and don't have the energy to move okay!" Said Hasegawa laying on the couch which was the place on the ground floor of the hotel along with a bar.

"Sorry, then I guess it's settle" Mahiru was also convince but she was worried she might accidentally bump into Baji.

"This is our room" Mahiru opened the door and placed her and Hasegawa's stuff.

"Im gonna take a bath.....What are you doing?" She saw Hasegawa had already threw herself on the bed.

*Mumbling* her face was buried in the pillow "What?"

"Im gonna take a nap" she went back facing the pillow.

"Aish what if I see him again? Will he still remember me? *Laugh* Ahh that's not gonna happen stop thinking this Mahiru" putting her thoughts aside she went to take a bath.


"I feel so fresh" Mahiru got out the shower seeing Hasegawa haven't moved but beside her was a basket.

"Where did this come from?" She asked Hasegawa but she replied mumbling.

"Use your words!"

"Room service came and handed me this" Mahiru saw a note and it was from kakucho.

"Hey, Mahiru here's a gift hamper enjoy your stay at karaksa hotel and here's my card in case if you need something"

"I-Is a black card" she picked it up and the name was registered as kakucho
"How did he know I'm here? I have to talk to him" she got changed and grab her bag and went to the address where it came from.

"This is it" it was a big building with many windows, she look around but found no one and decided to get in.

"Welcome to (kakucho related) company how can I help you?" A girl asked, she was dressed up nicely more like a assistant.

"Is Kakucho-san in?"

"Can I know your name please?" She asked as she opened the register.

"It's Asano Mahiru" she started looking up and down the paper.

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