Chapter 37: Stick Together

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-Mahiru Pov-

I told Hasegawa I'm going to meet Izana at a cafe right across the street, I cross the road and saw Izana waiting few feet away from the store he was wearing a white coat with a black scarf.

"Hey" I said and went towards him.

We both went inside the cafe and order a coffee and Latte.

"So, what have you been doing this past many years" I asked resting my chin on my plam.

He took a long hmm thinking, he looked cooler then I thought he would be.

"I was at juvie for few years when I got back I went back to the orphanage and went through the document, kakucho is also in Tenjiku" he said and faced me.

"Who's kakucho?" I asked.

"He's a guy I grew up with in the orphanage"

"I bet he's a nice guy" I said and sip my latte.

"What about you?" He asked.

"Well I created Kuroi Tenshi with my best friend and we're like the top in girl delinquent we don't get fight threads for any guy gang and I lost my stepfather few years ago, the guy who raised me for 6 months he's also gone he did told me he'll be back but it's been 2 years and he is no where to be found" I smiled at the end.

"Who's that 'step father' you say?".

"His name is Haruki Asano and he had a gang Yakuza so I took over him"


"Yeah I'm a Asano now"

We talked for few hours and we get along pretty well but I had to take off for my shift, I had a night shift I didn't like it but I still needed the money, we bid farewell and I went to the Hideout first.

"Oakaresama des shachou" everyone greeted.

"So, I have to take off quick but after a week from now Tenjiku and Toman are gonna have a battle on Yokohama" I stated standing in front.

"And you want us to help them?" Asura ask.

"I don't know" I whispered.

"President we don't mind but all of us going is a little too weird, don't you think?"one girl stated.

"Then what about the 10-15 people?"

"Yeah that sounds right"

"So um.. Asura can you?"

"Happy too kick some male ass" she said lightly punch her palm.


"Haii~" she said in a cute voice.

"Can you fight guys?"

"Yosh Yosh♡︎" that means yes.

I picked the last 8 people who could take out atleast 50 people at once and they were the Kuroi Tenshi top members.

I went to my shift after the meeting it was cold and late but I could still managed.
We get a lot of drunk guys at night

"Mahiru-chan we got a new guy and I want you to train him" The old man's son said.

"Fine!" I said in annoying tone.

"Hey, Mahiru-chan" I froze at the voice and turned around.

"Haru-kun" it was Haru Yoshida aka my ramp walk partner.

"You're the new guy?" I asked.

"Yeah I just thought of Savings some money and you're already working here?"

"Yeah for few weeks actually" I lied I only started working for 5 days.

I told him all the stuff I learn few days ago and taught him how to make the Ojisan special he learned pretty quick.

My shift was already over but his wasn't, I took off and waved him bye, as I walked outside it was cold as always.

"This is why I don't like night shift" I shove my hand on my pocket and shivered.

I felt someone behind me but I didn't do anything cause I was too cold I walk a bit fast but I could fell the person behind me matching the pace.

I stopped and turned around I was confused to see Rindou he still had the same expressed he had since I met him.

"Why are you following me!" I said and walk towards him.

"Im just making sure you get home safe" he stated still no expression.

"Huh? And who told you to do that?" I said folding my arms.


I sighed "fine but don't walk behind me, let's talk" I said smiling and he walk with me.

"So what's up?"

"I don't know.." he still had no expression.


"So, how's it going with your boyfriend?" He tried to fill the awkwardness between us.

"Oh he shift to Osaka and I don't know how's he doing"

"Are you guys still a thing"

"I don't know I never thought about that I don't think we are he didn't said anything" I was confused we didn't talk about our relationship before he was going.

"Ahh leave it we're probably over I guess" I didn't said anything else after that.

"Hey Rindou I told you to wait for me!!" We turned to see who called and it was his big brother Ran.

"Hey, you're Mahiru right?" I nod in response.

"You're cute" his comment made me blush.

"OII you can't just say that to someone!" Rindou was annoyed by his brother action.

"I think I'll take off it's getting late" I said in the middle of them arguing.

"Want us to drop you off?" Ran asked.

"No you guys don't have to I don't wanna trouble you plus my house is pretty near from here"

"Okay bye Princess" I wave them back and ran-walk till my house.

"She's cute" Ran said "yeah" Rindou said and shove his hand on his pocket and started walking the opposite direction.

"You like her?" Ran teased Rindou all the way "No I just think she's pretty cool and strong for a girl"

- Takemicchi went back to the present where Naoto died - chapter 134

Takemicchi started running and Naoto was behind him suddenly someone tried to shoot Takemicchi but Naoto protect him and took his place.

"Oi Oi Oi I should be the one who's supposed to kill Tachibana Naoto right? Kisaki"

Takemicchi look terrified seeing Izana and kisaki together.

"Sorry Izana this fucker tried to protect Takemicchi" Kisaki replies.

"You kill my Mikey" Izana said.

"Mahiru!" Izana called and Mahiru came behind Izana she had a gun on her hand.

"Mahiru-chan?" Takemicchi whispered.

"Im sorry" Mahiru whispered and shot Takemicchi.

Before dying Takemicchi and Naoto shook hands and he went back to the past.


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