Chapter 31: Christmas Night

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The next day I told Kei to come to this location the old arcade where Omari lives

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The next day I told Kei to come to this location the old arcade where Omari lives.

I waited for him few blocks away from his house but it again felt like someone was following me.

Kei arrive after few min and we started walking towards Omari's house, when we made a turn Kei suddenly stopped and told me to lean back to the wall.

"What's wrong?" I asked whispering.

"Someone's following us" he said peeking then suddenly a guy came running and bump into Kei.

"So your the one who's been following us" he crack his Knuckles and a vein pop on his forehead the boy fell behind on his butt.

"What No I- I just wanted to give this to Mahiru-chan" he hold out a letter I almost took the letter but Kei took it before me "Hey!!"

"What a love letter" he sound pissed, but I noticed he was in Nana's class.

"Give me that" I took the letter out of his hand "its for Nana not for me" I look at the letter and saw a message for Nana and little heart it was cute.

"So you like Nana?" He was blushing

"I'll make sure she gets this, and stop following me it's very creepy" I said putting the letter on my pocket.

"But I only followed you today to give you this" I froze. "Let's go" I said and started walking towards Omari's house and kei just followed.

I knocked on the door and Asura opened greeting us "hey oakaresama des shachou, what's up and Baji-san is also here"

We went inside and I told Omari to talk to Mr.Yamamoto to help kei with his new shift.

"Hey Yamamoto-san it's Mahiru"

"Hey kiddo long time no talk what's up"

"I need a favor one of my friend is coming to Osaka for a job and a better life let's say and I was hoping you might be able to help him out"

"Yes off course my dear just send me his information and all"

"Okay I'm on it"

"Omari send baji-san all information and a varification code"

She replied with a nod

After few min she came up with some information about the Yamamoto company, she print it out and hand it to kei for him to read.

"Here all the information you need its here" I hand it to kei and he read it, with that we went outside thanking them.

"Did you tell your mom?"

"Yeah I did and she think it's a great idea and she was happy but she was worried about you"

"About me? Why?" We reached in front of his building.

"She knows" he pat my head smiling and went inside his building, I touch my head smiling slightly when I got startled by my phone ringing.

"Yes What!!" It was Takemicchi he told me to come cause it was about to happen.

I started running cause the location he gaved me was pretty far, while running I called Hasegawa and she came to pick me up.


We reached the location when I saw many Black Dragon members outside the chruch Hasegawa and I hid behind the wall.

"Should we get inside!?" She whispered.

"Yeah I guess how many people can you take out?"

She chuckled "oh please"

"Ahh you never change lets go"

We started walking towards the chruch cause the motto of Kuroi Tenshi was "never take action untill your enemy does" lmao.

"Hey you can't go in there" one of the guy in black dragon said.

"Why is It booked?" Hasegawa said she was behind me.

"What you got a problem with that!!!" The guy got angry and everyone's attention came towards us.

"Well" the guy's arm was on my shoulder.

"Actually I do and get your hands off her" now Hasegawa was mad cause his hand was on my shoulder.

"Or else what" Hasegawa took off her glass "oh it's on" I said as everyone else surrounded us, Hasegawa took off her glasses and put it somewhere safe.

"Korose" she hold the guy's hand and twisted it making him grunt in pain, a guy came throwing a punch but I kicked him on his head.

We started fighting them all but someone of them were huge and very stronger then the one we had at the beginning.

"Hey girls need some help" it was Draken with Mikey, he started clearing the path for Mikey to get in and he helped us getting rid of them.

After few minutes of fighting we won actually Draken took them all out, suddenly koko came out and widened his eyes seeing that all the members were laying unconscious, Later Taiju came out and kneeled on the floor seeing that he lost.

"I stomped all the dude outside" Draken went inside, all of them came out running and saw all the guys from Black dragon were down.

"Hoi" I said putting my hand up, everyone came down Mitsuya was holding Takemicchi on his back and went there way I saw koko and seishu coming down too.

"Didn't know you guys were in a gang" I said standing on the same spot, Hasegawa was somewhat near me.

"Didn't know you could do this" seishu said and I just smiled and they walked passed us, I saw yuzuha came down the stairs.

I ran towards her and hugged her "Are you okay you got me so worried" she smiled saying I'm fine but she started losing consciousness "umm yuzuha?" She fainted and I caught her.

"Put her behind my back" Hasegawa helped and we got the hell out of there, I follow Mitsuya he put Takemicchi behind Mikey and drove somewhere.

"Wanna switch" he asked.

"No, actually yes" I put her behind Mitsuya cause I wanted them to be together.

"Was she heavy?" Hasegawa suddenly asked as we watched them disappeared.

"No she was like a puppy, lets go home"

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